Okay, so I can't resist telling you that in the print edition of December's Wondertime magazine, there are seven of my best holiday-giving recipes--seven!--including, but not limited to, Salted Caramel Popcorn (to die for), Macaroon Marshmallows (to die for), and Lemon Rosemary Shortbread (to die for). Plus, 3 chocolate things and salty-sweet-spicy nuts (to die for). I'm sorry not to be more modest.
And thank you for responding so sweetly to my piece in this month's O magazine.
I read the comments this morning & went to Oprah's website and to my surprise the article is on it. It was very beautiful and I've got to remember to not read that at work. Had to get a tissue. So now I get back and a new post...and now I will still have to buy that magazine for said recipes. :-) But it's all good. Shari
ReplyDeleteeven after last night when my 51/2 yr old said that he would never say he loved me again. I told him tomorrow would be a new day...
I have a copy of the December O right now - for my own nefarious purposes - and I really loved your piece. LOVED it. I'll be sure to grab December's Wondertime, too.
ReplyDeletethanks Beck...I will make sure I purchase the correct magazine for the recipes. Shari
ReplyDeleteNo matter what you write or where you write it, you always always strike a chord with me. I am even enjoying the foodie stuff, which I was sure I wouldn't. I loved the December piece in O Magazine, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks you Anon! I went over to oprah.com and found the article.
ReplyDeleteCatherine, you have such a way of reaching people's hearts. I don't think any of us were aware of what you went through and I can't imagine how devestsated you must have been with that loss.
I hope you have settled in to your new home by now and feel happy there. It's hard to move sometimes, isn't it.
Beautiful piece and I feel priveleged to read it.
You're sweet - pun intended. lol.
ReplyDeleteWhen I changed houses 3 years ago, the only remorse I had was for the history of my 2 boys coming home to that house for those very first days of our lives together. It's like you verified my feelings.
ReplyDeleteI was coming to comment that I drooled on the Wondertime magazine reading the recipes, and now I cried on my keyboard reading the O magazine article. Beautiful. I enjoyed the perspective and peek into your heart that we didn't get from just the blog posts.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to make the popcorn!
Hey it's me, the pathetic Canadian stalker again - I know I'm getting a subscription to Wondertime for Christmas (you should get full credit!), but I can't find it on the newstands to grab the December one! As I print the gingerbread recipe to make tonight, I lament over living in small town Canada!
ReplyDeleteLovely O article. I was so sad about leaving my baby nursery behind at the old house - I brought two sons home to that room and it was perfect. Having another baby boy to bring into the new house suddenly made it very warm and complete. We were so ambivalent about having a third child. We finally decided we'd rather see what nature had in store for us than to regret never opening up to the possiblility. If it wasn't in the cards for us, we were fine with that. And if it was in the cards for us we knew we'd be blessed. Now with our three boys, our cups runneth over -sometimes literally - but I couldn't imagine what our lives would be like without the third child. He is what made our new house a home. I think we would have gotten there eventually, but his arrival made it immediate.
ReplyDeleteNow don't get me started on the decision to shut down "plant" and never have the possibility of another baby....
Am I the only one who can't navigate the Oprah vortex? Searching Catherine's name doesn't help, can anyone point me to it?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous- I believe this is it
Or search her name and it is the second entry.
We moved from our shoebox apartment to a slightly larger than a shoebox house last December.
I could definetly relate to your article.
Also I was super excited to see your recipes in Wondertime. They have since graduated to sleek plastic holders and have been placed in my recipe three ring binder. I can't wait to eat erm make some this weekend!
I make an awesome almond and lavender tea cake with just a hint of lemon. I wonder if rosemary would be a good change up.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ideas! So sad your blog is no longer a pod cast. I miss it!
aha! I actually looked for the credits in WT to see if those recipes were yours, I'm glad you cleared that up for me. ;) Yum, will look forward to trying them out.
ReplyDeleteYum, Macaroon Mashmellows and Rosemary Shortbread sound so yummy.
ReplyDeleteEver since my boyfriend proposed to me with a gorgeous diamond engagement ring from www.idonowidont.com I've been planning what food to give our wedding guests.
I think they would love the Macaroon Marshmallows the most, that sounds amazing!
wow woman, you always make me cry! That piece in the O magazine is lovely. We moved to our current house three years ago, and I cried when we moved out of the old house. my third child was born there, literally, and for us, moving all over the place every Summer, that house was the only piece of shelter and home that we had.
ReplyDeleteSoon after we moved, I got pregnant again, and I wasn't ready for a new baby. However, when I almost lost her, I realized how much I already wanted her and loved her, her a 4 week old seed. I could not live without my Chubbers, who'll be 2 years old later this month.
Older kids, baby kids are all a miracle. What a blessing to have them!
AHHH! Must quickly go find the O magazine article online!
ReplyDeleteJust got my Dec. Wondertime but have not yet opened it. I know cannot WAIT for those recipes. They sound divine. Love your cooking, by the way! You are amazing and talented!
*sigh* I just canceled my non-virtual Wondertime subscription because Desperate Times and all that... Darn.
ReplyDeleteThe 'O' article made me weep as yours so often do. I thought I was unexpectedly pregnant about 2 years after my Birdie was born. I was frantic and stressed, but when it was a false alarm I felt that pain. The pain was almost as real as the early miscarriage I'd had between my 2 children.
I need comfort food.
I just read your article in this month's O, and I can't tell you how much it touched me. My husband and I moved three times in the past two years and we're finally settling in to a home. Unlike many of the articles in the feature, you showed us vulnerability and connected with the readers on a personal level. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAlas, I have tried/checked all filters, etc and still no email from family.com Anyway, I made the gingerbread last night and everyone loved it. I purchased organic molasses which when I got home realized it was blackstrap molasses. Not sure if it made it darker or not but it was delicious. We put a light dusting of powdered sugar on the pcs. Can't wait for more recipes. Shari
ReplyDeleteCatherine, I'm back after reading the O magazine piece. I know this comment is unrelated to the current post, but my deepest (belated) sympathies on your loss 2 years ago. I feel like saying, "I had no idea!" but, of course, why would I? We readers feel like you're our best friend, though, so to suddenly hear about this development and loss was shocking and sad. I still remember your column "Two is Enough" from Bringing Up Ben and Birdy (your heart sitting on the curb with its head in its hands....). Sigh.
ReplyDeleteAs always, thank you for your gorgeous writing.
Catherine -- I just read your piece in O. I'm so sorry. We were two weeks away from signing on our first house when I found out I was pregnant for the second time. We had a 14 month old and weren't planning to have another for a few years. Two days before closing, I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. In the flurry of closing, fixing up the new place, working full time, and caring for our son, I didn't really have time to grieve. Now, two more children later, I think about this ghost baby and wonder how different our lives would be if he or she had been born. Not planned, but much missed. Thinking of you. -- Alesia
ReplyDeleteOkay, the recipes are GREAT but (and I hope I don't sound like such a huge whiner when I say this) I haven't been able to deal with the expression "to die for" ever since I worked in a program for people with serious mental illness and one of my co-workers used that expression in front of one of the clients who was there because she had just attempted suicide.
ReplyDeleteI just read your O article. I'm so sorry for your loss. I still think of my miscarriage at 13 weeks, four years ago this Christmas Eve. I also had a similar experience when we moved three years ago. Thank you for your writing.
ReplyDeleteWe made the rosemary pecans on Thanksgiving and they were so good we made up a double batch to give to friends and family. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteCouldn't motivate myself to get my kitchen sink THAT CLEAN for the carmel corn. One day.....
ReplyDeleteloved, Loved, LOVED the shortbread - forgot and left out the rosemary and still thought it was divine. And the spicy pumpkin chocolate bark was amazing too.
Thanks for sharing them!