Where does the time go? Honestly. Forgive me. Because I know
there is nowhere else on the internet you can go for recipes! [crying-laughing
emoji] Life sure gets busy, no? We’ve been marching for gun control and packing
lunches. Despairing over injustice and reading excellent books. I have been awake
more than usual in the night and also going religiously to zumba. I have been
an asshole and a good friend, mortified and happy and compassionate and irate
in equal measure.
We’ve been watching America’s Funniest Home Videos before bed, in the hope that it will help us all sleep, and we laugh, because the people and animals are so wonderfully crazy, everybody getting hit in the crotch because of piñatas, and also some of it is so depressingly sad and weird, and people actually get hurt, and I never know what to think anymore. Or sometimes, maybe, I still do.
We’ve been watching America’s Funniest Home Videos before bed, in the hope that it will help us all sleep, and we laugh, because the people and animals are so wonderfully crazy, everybody getting hit in the crotch because of piñatas, and also some of it is so depressingly sad and weird, and people actually get hurt, and I never know what to think anymore. Or sometimes, maybe, I still do.
Anyways, as many of you know if you’re been following along,
we are dealing with an Extreme Gluten-Free Situation in our household, and I am
doing more baking than ever, trying to nail certain favorite things and create
certain other new favorite things. This banana bread is the former, and it’s
absolutely perfect: tender-crumbed and moist without being gummy; deeply
browned and crunchy-edged without being gritty.
Only other GF bakers will
understand why I need to praise this bread in reverse, by listing its un-negative qualities. There are just so many
pitfalls! Like the thing where a loaf or cake comes gloriously out of the oven
looking glorious? Only then what it really is is a gorgeous shell filled with a
kind of treasure trove of inglorious raw batter.
If you are not catering to the non-glutens, then use
whatever mix of flour you like, and it will be delicious! Still totally worth
making, because it is actual good banana bread, I promise, not some weird diet
loaf. Unless you’re on a weird diet! And then make it with apple water and aloe dust, or whatever you need to do. I am with you 100%. Believe me.
Perfect Banana Bread
(that is gluten-free—or not)
I think I already said everything I wanted to say up top. xo
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
1 cup sugar (I use ½ white sugar and ½ coconut sugar, but
you could use a mix of white and brown sugars, or whatever you like. It doesn’t
really matter.)
2 ripe bananas (you could use a 3rd banana and skip the sour cream, but I wouldn't)
Sour cream (around ½ cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 ½ cups flour (see note below)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon kosher salt (or half as much table salt)
¼ cup small gluten-free oats—the instant kind—or regular gluten-free oats buzzed
briefly in a blender
Heat the oven to 350 and grease and flour a loaf pan.
Cream together the butter and sugar in an electric mixer,
and leave it creaming while you mash the bananas. Measure the bananas and add
enough sour cream to make 1 ½ cups. Stir in the vanilla.
While the butter and sugar is STILL creaming, sift or whisk
together the flour(s), baking soda, and salt. Stir in the oats.
Now add the eggs, one at a time, to the creamed butter,
beating each one in well. Add the banana mixture and beat well again, then add the
dry ingredients and beat just until mixed. (I’m never sure, if you’re using gf
flour, if it even matters if you overbeat something! I mean, there’s no gluten
to develop, so who really gives a fuck? But still I err on the side of caution
because #goodgirl.)
Scrape the batter into the pan and bake for 55 minutes, or
until the loaf looks done and a toothpick comes out with moist crumbs on it.
Cool briefly in the pan—3 minutes?—then tip onto a cooling rack and really,
really try to cool it completely, or for at least ½ hour, before slicing.
Note about the flour: I use 1/3 cup all-purpose gluten-free
flour (from Trader Joe’s), 1/3 cup coconut flour, and 1/3 cup of this crazy and
delicious whole-grain flour I mix up to make the beautiful breads from this book. That blend is equal parts brown-rice flour, teff flour, sorghum flour,
and (gf) oat flour. I know. I might as well add bone meal and pine starch, but what
can I tell you. It’s a blend I love. And it has xanthan gum in it—around 1
teaspoon per cup of flour, I think, is how it works out. What I recommend is using
either ½ cup of a flour with xanthan gum in it, or adding 1/2 teaspoon to the
recipe if none of your flours have xanthan gum. Does that make sense? (I just
drank a beer really quickly.)
You could just use 1 ½ cups of your favorite GF flour, or try a
mix of almond, oat, rice, whatever you think would be good. Please report back!
A note about oats: Oats are only gluten-free if they say they're gluten-free, and this is for one of two reasons: some oats are grown in fields where wheat seeds blow in and grow companionably alongside, everyone harvested all together to the bellyache of unsuspecting celiac folks; other oats grow unaccompanied by wheat, but are processed in gluten-contaminated facilities. Gluten-free oats are safely unmolested by other sneaky grains.
A note about oats: Oats are only gluten-free if they say they're gluten-free, and this is for one of two reasons: some oats are grown in fields where wheat seeds blow in and grow companionably alongside, everyone harvested all together to the bellyache of unsuspecting celiac folks; other oats grow unaccompanied by wheat, but are processed in gluten-contaminated facilities. Gluten-free oats are safely unmolested by other sneaky grains.