Thank you again for playing. I so love reading about what it is you want--I feel like the book equivalent of a drunk, wanting to buy another round for an entire bar-full of strangers. "Maybe I should honor *all* the requests!" I exclaimed, and Michael raised his eyebrows. Okay. Maybe not. But giving away books is starting to feel like a vocation. (I'll just have to brainstorm ways to make money at it. . . )
SeeTryFly who, wanted a Robert Saduba pop-up book; I am sending you this. (Which looks so cool and beautiful)
Alissa is getting this. (Which I use every day.)
And Allyson is getting this. (Which is on my wish list too!)
Please email me your address, and I will get those books right into the mail.
Over at, meanwhile, there are pork chops and energy bars. Pawk chahps en enijy bahs.
And here at home there are these (sigh)
And these (sigh)
And also these hirsute children.
Sigh. Have wonderful week!
xo Catherine