The spring is so fully here that it is starting to be gone. One evening our dogwood looked like this:
And then in the morning, after a night of rainy wind, the ground beneath it looked like this:
Meanwhile, we continue to eat springishly. Over at, I have posted one recipe for a simply excellent frittata.
And one for delectable rhubarb crumb bars.
And, speaking of, er, food and recipes: I am going to be teaching a cooking class! In Logan, Utah! At the fabulously friendly Love to Cook cookware store. Friday June 12th, and Saturday June 13th. Don't you want to come? I figure we can all stay in the same hotel and drink beer in the hot tub! If there's a hot tub and you like beer! Anyways, if you have any friends in Utah, please do let them know.
Finally, thank you for all your school-auction support and advice. It was a beast, but a fun one--and I swooned a million times over when Michael's band played. Did I tell you he was playing guitar in a band? He winked at me from the stage during "Superman," that old REM song, and my knees buckled. Sigh.