Tuesday, June 03, 2008


(Not that mine are such paragons of loveliness, but they do have something a little less Hobbit-like about them.)


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I confess - I wondered if they were yours!!

    That's brought me out of the lurker closet hasn't it.

    I have read your columns since we were both pregnant with our now-5-year-olds and I have enjoyed every single one.

    Thank you for sharing your life.


  2. I almost posted a comment on the last one delicately asking if they were Michael's toes. But then I remembered that one of my best female friends has toes that tend to sprout black hairs so I kept my mouth shut. ;)

    Thanks for clarifying. Tell Michael he rocks the multi-coloured pedicure in a completely manly way. ;)

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Great post on Wondertime this week! The needs have changed so much but the neediness is still something I have to embrace over and over at the start of each new day.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Haha. I have hairy toes, but I did think, "Gee, I would have made sure mine were shaved before I posted a picture of them for the world to see." This week's column was wonderful.

  5. I DO have hairy toes, but they are feminine hairy toes.


    I laughed so hard, I peed a little.

    Don't tell anyone. :)

  7. I wasn't going to ask, but I sure am glad I know!

  8. Actually I thought they were *Ben's* toes... *snorrt*

  9. Ohthankgod.

    Now the next time I meet you at a book signing I won't have to pretend to not stare at your feet. :)

  10. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I wondered... It's good to know that my guess was correct, though!

  11. Heeheehee. Glad you cleared that up.

  12. I LOVED your "giving tree" post so much, I shared it on my google reader. Thank you! ;-) Your humor and perspective does me good.

  13. Great post on Wondertime.

    "Smelling your armpit."!!! I am still laughing about that one. Sounds like something my little munchkin would say. One of her favorite pastimes is to hold my "cold arm" and pinch the bejesus out of it - it actually hurts.

  14. LOL. That just made my day.

  15. And I was so comforted to know that your toes are as bad as mine!

  16. OMG!! I wanted to ask but thought better of it! Too funny!!

  17. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Honestly, thank you so much for clarifying that, as much as I love you and your writing, I was a bit worried for you :-)

  18. I love this!!!! We were all so worried about you!!! I said my toes were in very bad shape. Well, yesterday I went to the salon to have my nails done. After all, on Sat. I'm seeing my husband for the first time since late March. I didn't want to look like a hobbit for him (I'm VERY short, you see).

  19. Anonymous3:24 AM

    I loved "the shawl of maternal patience" - or something to that effect. That really was lovely.

  20. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I access it with a Japanese from Japan.
    The English is studying, but is very particular.
    I am sudden, but may link?
    Thanking you in advance.
    Poor English,sorry.

  21. Anonymous2:14 PM

    "What the..."
    --Cathy K

  22. Anonymous5:51 PM

    How many of you laughed out loud at Cathy K's comment following Michio's post. All I can say is I now realize I need to beef up my kegel exercises.

  23. OK, Catherine. This may be weird, but I'll mention it anyway. I live in CT, so, as you know, it's HOT here. So, yesterday, I noticed that our new toilet was sweating. And, that made me think of you and Birdy because you once wrote about her feeling squimish around your sweating toilet. I know, I know, get a life, right? But I thought if I had written it, I would like to hear this story of nothingness. Thanks for all the great years of reading. You rock!

  24. Oh Catherine! You made me laugh!! I, too, have read your columns since we were pregnant with our now 5-year olds!! I have related to each and every one you have ever wrote!! Thanks for making the journey a bit more interesting!!

  25. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Totally off topic, but could you, or another reader point me to the Bringing Up Ben and Birdy column where you mention nursing Birdy all night long - I remember something about comparing it to sitting by an open bag of chips...I'm so in the midst of midnight snacking from my 6 month old and would enjoy rereading that journal entry. Sorry about mentioning it here but I can't seem to google the right words to find it.

  26. I think about that midnight snacking on chips post ALL THE TIME! Too funny! It was something like, "if you had a bowl of potato chips next to you in bed, wouldn't you reach over and grab one every now and then?"

    I always thought my first comment would be gushing praise.... you write what I'm thinking, make me laugh, cry. I know you've heard it all before. Thanks Catherine, from another adoring fan who now feels slightly less like a stalker:)

  27. methicks75: It was week 45 in bringing up ben and birdy. She says that if you had an open bag of frito's next to you, wouldn't YOU want to roll over and eat one? Hope that's what you were looking for. It's titled "the paper trail".

  28. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Thank you! I just needed to know that someone totally gets what the all-night snackbar is all about. Now if I could just find a snack clip...!

  29. Anonymous3:30 PM


    Just finished Waiting for Birdy and I absolutely loved it. I am still reeling from the sense of deja vu though- I have an 11 month old dinner roll baby and a 4 year old obsessed with scotch tape. I was glad you threw in the organic food and family bed bit so I know for sure we arent the same person.

    I found you in general through Family.com where I also used to write a blog (mostly by trying to interpret those scraps of paper around MY house with strange "reminders" on them- like "Purple Hen- only butter"), but yours is sooo much funnier.

    Anyway, I think you ought to look at getting some sort of media consultant for your blog. Your writing is just as funny (if not moreso) than Heather Armstrong's and she is pulling in 6 figures annually on her blog. You are so talented- sort of a modern day Erma Bombeck.

    Best wishes- keep up the good work. And write another book!


  30. I really thought that was Ben's foot! Both my boys have polish on their toes now so I just assumed... Great post as usual.

    Are you snorting saline? Are your sinuses squeeky clean?

  31. Love it! That's what my feet look like after a long day, so I can relate. Thanks so much for all the wonderful posts!

  32. "I mention this today because I had the kind of afternoon where I wore the children's needs as comfortably as a woolen bathing suit." I said this over at Wondertime but I will do so again here: This is exactly how I felt on our first Monday of summer vacation. Should I be worried? Or should I perhaps start bribing camp directors to let my children in last minute? Why do those rare times when you don't feel up to giving another centimeter of yourself have to cause such mental torment? Okay, I've used up my three questions.

  33. Just got the new Wondertime and LOVED the camping article! I'm not a camper, but you made it sound so good, I'm tempted to try it!
    And the funny part I realized is that in 1 picture you can almost see your toes!!
    I am going to try the recipes too - they actually look easy enough for me to make them.

  34. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "Can you imagine being on the boat, hungry and filthy and filled with uncertainty, filled with hope and dread, only your kids are watching, so you smile, and break crackers into pieces, and sing your lullabies from home?"

    We are moving out of state in the next month - moving away from this wonderful community we have become a part of. Moving away from Grandma and Grandpa and beloved Aunt Meggie, whom the kids have seen at least once a week for their entire lives. Moving away from our neighbors, with whom a day is not complete without a bike ride or a roasted marshmallow.

    And my heart breaks and I can barely stand it and yet I'm a litany of false cheer. Look, a new baseball stadium! A new museum! The mountains! The ocean! And even, I confess, Super Target!

    We are all sad, we cannot help feeling so. We are all tired from the strenuous process of moving and mortgages and being apart from Daddy (today is even my 10th anniversary). And yet, I suppose I do what all mothers have done throughout history. I let my sadness be known, but put on a cheery face. There will be good times ahead, but they are just beyond the horizon. Right now all we can see is the dim light of the torch, gently guiding the way.

  35. i JUST got the latest issue of Wondertime and was thrilled to see your article on camping. i kept imagining us bumping into each other at a state park, me going crazy at the thought of meeting you in person and you wincing with embarrassment and then your kids and my kids playing in the dirt and your husband looking at mine going "this happens all the time" and my husband looking at him and asking "and WHO are you?"... Sorry, Catherine. You're just the friend I love to know and have never met. Bizarre.

  36. LOL - thanks for the clarification.
