Monday, March 11, 2013

The Cassoulet Saved Our Marriage: Give Away!!!

My sweet vegetarian girl's birthday dream dinner. Seriously. "Oh my God, you got white bread! Mama, thank you so much!" "You're so welcome, Oliver Heidi Birdy!"

Oh my darlings, thank you for sobbing down memory lane with me your sweet birthday wishes for Birdy. It really has been a decade, and so I am wishing you a happy anniversary, and I remembered to get you flowers, they just didn't come yet. Look out your front door, in May. That blooming tree? That'll be from me!

In real life, the cover is not pixelated at all. In fact, it is exceptionally lovely and boasts the fancy detail known in the business as "spot gloss." But don't take my word for it!
Meanwhile, if I told you that I secretly think of food as an idiom for love, you’d roll your eyes, I know. It’s about as secret as the fact that I drive with Scotch tape on my forehead to prevent squinting wrinkles, i.e. not very secret. The Cassoulet Saved Our Marriage: True Tales of Food, Family & How We Learn to Eat is, therefore, my perfect book. Because every story in the collection understands that food is always so much more than food: the way we put it on the table or don’t manage to put it on the table, or the way we love it or (!) hate it, or the way it stands in for memory, like Proust’s madeleine, only more like Proust’s buffalo chicken wing or Proust’s macaroni and cheese (or Proust's blackaroni and cheese, Deesha Philyaw’s name for her family’s heart-stopping take on it). Also, the book has recipes.
Somewhere is a picture of Birdy with sweet potato in her hair, but this isn't it.
I am proud to have a story of my own in this anthology, “Talk with Your Mouth Full,” about dinner-table conversation, including current goings-on as well as a bit of reminiscing from the sweet-potato-hair days. I am also proud to be in such ridiculously talented company. I have to tell you that Karen Valby’s story, “The Hunger Shames,” actually made me cry three separate times (page 133, page 137, and, when you turn the page and see that the recipe is for Doro Wat, page 138—if you’ve got the book handy). Or this, from Jen Larsen’s story, “Food Hater”: “‘Some people cook food,’” is what my mother should have said, followed by, ‘instead of shaking and baking, or hamburger helping, or cranking open a tin can of carrots and boiling the stuff inside until it can be used as spackle for the cracks in your heart.’” And Phyllis Grant’s story, “Recipe,” which includes Step 3: “Lean over the sink to peel potatoes. Say fuck fuck fuck fuck over and over again. Try to untangle depression from fatigue from clumsiness from failure. Remind yourself that sleep deprivation is a form of torture.” (Who is this Phyllis Grant? I wondered to myself. I see she has a blog, dash and bella, I said to myself. Ah, I notice she has 11 bazillion readers! I really have my finger on the pulse. Of a tortoise.)


I actually don’t know why I started singling stories out. They’re all so absurdly good, and the editors, Caroline Grant and Lisa Harper, are just the loveliest people in the world. So you should buy the book. But first try to win it here! That’s right. Simply type in a comment to enter. I’ll pick a winner at noon (12 EST) on Friday. Good luck! Thank you for playing! xo


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It sounds wonderful Catherine. Put my name in please for the draw. And thanks for the anniversary flowers.
    Amy Shaw

  3. You had me at spot gloss

  4. Tracy3:02 PM

    These stories sound wonderful. My favourite family food story is from a friend who described the day his mother (a brilliant biochemist but horrendous cook) bought a microwave. His sister's comment at dinner that evening? "Yay, sh*t made faster."

  5. hannah3:05 PM

    I like Birdy's rockin' pigtails at her birthday dinner!

  6. I always think of Heidi when my kids fall all over themselves at the sight of actual white bread. And then I think about the profound disappointment about what glaciers are actually like. Those are my two main Heidi memories!
    This book looks amazing--I'd love to be entered in the draw. Thanks.

  7. This book sounds wonderful!

  8. Please, sir, I want some more!

  9. Win or it not, it's in my goodreads queue!

  10. I love essays and food. The combo is irresistable.

  11. Could anyone inspire me to cook more than you do? Not sure, but it looks fabulous. Still in denial that Birdy is TEN! I reread your book in bits and pieces, like an old familiar friend.

  12. Sounds like the perfect book for me! Three more days 'til my Trout hits ten . . . ah, where did the years go?

  13. I love you, Catherine Newman. That is all.

  14. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Recipes AND stories?!? Pick me!
    :o) Kristen

  15. Ten years ago I was pregnant with my second baby and reading your stories of Ben and Birdy. It has all gone by way too fast!

  16. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Happy birthday Birdy! And throwing my name in the hat...

  17. My children lose their minds over white bread, too....if I am ever in the doghouse in my daughters' eyes (which these days, what with all the flying hormones, is more often than I wish!), all it takes is a trip to bakery down the hill on Friday for some challah, and suddenly I'm the best.mama.ever. (I am not overly proud to admit that I have used this tactic. Ha!)

  18. yes please and thank you. and while we're at it, please pass the salt.

  19. My oldest will be 10 soon too. Obviously since we "met" on Baby Center! The book sounds right up my alley as well!

  20. Ooooh, I want to win that book. Also, Birdy's dinner looks lovely. What kind of cake did she have?

  21. Does she still cry because she can't pull off her fingers? The book sound like fun!

  22. My Colby is smack in between Ben and Birdy, 12 on Saturday. Oh, these years.

  23. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Ooooooo, the book sounds great! I'd love a copy. :)

  24. dale_in_denver4:30 PM

    Come on random number generator! Lucky number 22!

  25. dale _ in denver4:31 PM

    Make that 24. Or 26.

  26. Please pick my number!

  27. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Any book you recommend is high on my list!

    Rachel Carroll

  28. Sounds like I will buy it even if I don't win!! :)

  29. If you knew me personally, you would know how much I need to have this book. I've been waiting for it to come out, in fact. Which is to say that I will certainly be buying it if I don't win.

    (Must also say that whenever I see you have an essay in Brain, Child, I yank the magazine open and read yours first!)

  30. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I'd love to win this book!!
    Rebecca A.

  31. Randi4:59 PM

    This sounds like my favorite type of book!

  32. Anonymous5:00 PM

    That looks like a book my daughters would also love!

  33. tracey5:01 PM

    This could be the book that saves my cASSoulet!

  34. Eleanor5:05 PM

    Food is totally love for me, too (sometimes, late at night, it seems a little like "self love"). I need this book!

  35. Oh my, I think about the role of food in our lives and hearts all the time! I just bought "The Bitch in The House" because you have an essay in it, Catherine, so I'm sure this one will find its way into my house, too, one way or another.

  36. Food, glorious food. A must read for certain.

  37. Sounds like a wonderful book, I'll be looking for it!

  38. Couldn't actually save the marriage here but I'd love to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win. Love your recipes and reading your blog. TEN!! that's crazy

  39. AnnRKey5:15 PM

    Yes, please!!

  40. Sounds like a good read.

  41. Wonderful stories and a wonderful time and I love Cassoulet!

  42. Sounds great! Pick me! Pick me!

  43. Anonymous5:24 PM

    What a lovely birthday dinner! My 7-year-old would go crazy over it.

    Also, I've been enjoying your etiquette column in Real Simple very much. You have a knack for giving just the right advice, often with just the right amount of sympathy thrown in.

    Kathy E. in Ohio

  44. An interesting book. I have to say I have been really enjoying your book recommendations as of late. The Orchardist was achingly wonderful!!

  45. Betsy M.5:35 PM

    Ha! My own six year old daughter asked for Cheese Fondue with "actual plain white bread mommy, with nothing in it, not even seeds" for her upcoming birthday.

  46. That sentence from Phyllis Grant’s story sounds like the recipes I've been posting lately--I feel the pull of a kindred spirit!

  47. Jeanne5:44 PM

    I'd LOVE to win this's on my reading list for sure! Happy 10th birthday to Birdy...and where does the time go! My oldest grand daughter was 11 in January and youngest 3, also in January.

  48. Hooray, I want to play! Food books are awesome.

  49. am i the only one who's thinking, wait, what have i been missing out on? what can a cassoulet do for my marriage? i intend to find out!

  50. I would love this book, since I loved just reading about it! I really liked the bit about the woman reminding herself how sleep deprivation is torture! I can relate over here. Stories plus food sounds like good therapy for the torture, though.

  51. Happy (belated) birthday to Birdy. I hope she had a great one.

    Thanks for adding me to the drawing.

  52. I want to win it, but if I don't, I'll buy it for sure!!!

  53. Helen6:10 PM

    I'd LOVE to win the book! It sounds fabulous.

  54. Laura6:12 PM

    Bread, cheese, fruit...Birdy has the right idea, that is my favorite kind of meal!

  55. Marla J.6:29 PM

    Ooh, this sounds great! Please put me on the list!

  56. Hmm. Second time today I've read about this book. It's just what I need.

  57. Anonymous6:33 PM

    This book looks terrific, and I would like to win it. Enter me in your draw, Gives Away Books Lady!

  58. Sara DM6:33 PM

    I'd love to win this book! I think about these sorts of things all the time, which is probably why I get teary watching my two year-old twins eat the cookies my mom used to make for me. :)

  59. Jenny R.7:03 PM

    It sounds like a lovely book! And what is that box of cards on your dinner table?

    1. Hello, paying-attention-er! It's a box of conversation starters called Table Topics! Really fun in big groups. . .

    2. Catherine did you just enter yourself in your own contest?! Because you totally deserve to win a contest!
      Birdy at 10! That's my birthday. Except I'm 34 and I feel like I am just now finding that confidence that Amazing Birdy seems to already have at 10!!!

  60. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Count me in on the sobb fest over Birdy turning 10. Have adored your writing since my nearly 8 year old dude was a little baby (boo hoo). Can't believe I have one kid with "chicklet teeth" with another guy waiting in the wings.

  61. Love reading your writing through raising my own foodie kiddo. She'll be 7 at the end of the month. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance at the book!

  62. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Just about to leave from work, checked your blog for your haps, and I'm chowing down some free fruit and shrimp croissant sandwich leftover from an event in the breakroom because, I know what I make for the kids for dinner won't be this good. Sigh... it would be good to get something to inspire me.

  63. I can't believe that I've been reading your stories for more than ten years now. I'd love to see one more. Happy belated birthday, Birdy.

  64. I love your recommendations, and this sure sounds like another great one!! I'd love to win this book (cause winning is so darn fun), but I'll surely buy the book if I don't. Thanks Catherine!!

  65. Jennifer N8:07 PM

    Oh this sounds great! Pick me!Pick me!

  66. Sounds like a great book. Would love to win it. How on earth can birdy be 10? How can my oldest be turning 9? So wonderful and so sad.

  67. This is my favorite kind of book--stories and recipes. Perfect

  68. maxanyamom8:22 PM

    Wow - the book sounds wonderful. Stories about food and recipes are right up my alley.

    More importantly, a Happy, belated Birthday wish for Birdy. She is full of awesome.

  69. This sounds like exactly my kind of book -- thanks for letting me know it exists.
    And happy birthday, Birdy! My oldest turned 11 last week, so I, too, have been looking at old pictures and trying not to cry (too much).

  70. This looks great! I would love to win! Thanks for hosting! :-)

  71. Birdy is 10 so that means my little middle monkey will be 10 next...wah. The book looks lovely and big birthday wishes for Birdy. That book looks wonderful.

  72. This book looks awesome and Happy Birthday Birdy!

  73. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The book looks wonderful, and Happy Birthday Birdy! My daughter turned 10 last month . . hard to believe I can now mark her growth in decades.


  74. Looks lovely. Happy Birthday to Birdy!

  75. Good essays + good recipes. What's not to like? Yes, please!

  76. Happy Birthday Birdy and Catherine. My oldest baby is going to be 10 next week too and I remember feeling so thrilled to find your blog when I was just in my first trimester. I comment only on the rareset of occasions but have been following you, your family and you r recipes since then!

  77. Happy Birthday Birdy! ...and what was the centerpiece of her birthday dinner, in the cunning little ramekins?

  78. The book looks great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  79. The best food always has a story.

  80. Anonymous9:24 PM

    You must love me the most, because here in Texas, my tree is already blooming. Thank you, my love!


  81. Sounds like a fun and interesting book to read. I would love it, thank you!

  82. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Pick me please, Lady Luck! I'm a long time reader, but have never entered a giveaway, but this book looks too perfect. Tara

  83. Happy Birthday, Birdy! I can't believe it's been 10 years!

  84. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Oh, this book looks fantastic! Yes please!

  85. That book looks great!

  86. I would so love that book.

  87. 10! Happy Days to your Birdie and yes please count me in - someone has stolen my method of peeling potatoes. PS Dash and Bella is a great read (but she doesnt send me flowers)

  88. Ha ha ha! White bread!!! My poor, poor children. I'm not sure they've ever tried it! Because white bread? It'll totally kill you, right? Sure, I'll feed them Oreos, but I draw the line at white bread.

  89. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Since Laurie Colwin is no longer with us, I'd love to read this instead. And I hear you on the white bread. In our house, it's known as "Grandma bread" because they only get it when they visit her (and her Wegman's bakery).

  90. Sounds like a great book! I immediately recognized Table Topics in your photo. They've been on my Amazon list for a while now.
    Birdy's birthday dinner looks like what we eat during summer. The stove and oven put out too much heat for us to turn them on every day.

  91. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Well, I love a giveaway too. I remember this picture of Ben:)

  92. Yes, please. Yes, please. Me me!

  93. Throwing my name in the hat! You'll always be my Number One blog...but I have to say that Dash and Bella is a close second!

  94. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Dare I try again! Can't wait to read this book.

    - Jennifer (mom to Zeke, who will be 10 in 3 weeks)

  95. I love reading cookbooks, so a book with actual stories along with the recipes sounds like it's right up my alley!

  96. Anonymous11:13 PM

    10 is such a milestone, it's true, but my oldest son will turn 15 next week! That's like 10, and half of 10! I'm warning you, the years only get faster. On the other hand, my youngest is in kindergarten, so I still have years of refrigerator pictures to hang in my future. The book sounds right up my alley.

  97. My oldest, Cecelia, was 10 on Sunday and I've been following you since I was preggo with her. I finally made the vinegar eggs for my boyfriend and myself last weekend. Despite my trouble finding sherry vinegar (using red wine and balsalmic) and my new challenge learning to make runny fried eggs (I am like Michael - always preferred the hard boiled and scrambled until now) we are both hooked.

    Um, eleven gazillion readers? Look at yourself, jealous!

  98. Stories and food? I'm in!

  99. I need a good read; looks great!

  100. OK, I have to comment because the April theme for my book club (yes, we have theme months instead of a group read because we are all decided that what we really like is discussing good books, but without having the pressure of being told to read one specific book. aren't we clever?) is Cookbooks/Food!! And I really want to read this one. So please pick me. Thank you.

  101. It sounds like a great book, I'd love to read it.
    I always enjoy your posts, keep them coming!

  102. I'd love some good reading (and some cassoulet)!

  103. Smooches12:19 AM

    That books sounds amazing! I'd love to win.

  104. I remember those sweet potato (or summer squash?) in the hair days... This looks like a lovely book!

  105. I adore your blog, and have read it since my second-born was en utero...he turns 10 on Thursday!
    Happy Birthday, Birdy!

  106. hi from very snowy berlin!the book looks/sounds/probably smells great. would love to
    win it. best,anja

  107. Happy Birthday to Birdy!

  108. Ann McG5:39 AM

    Love you Catherine, can't wait to read the book ~ free or purchased, it will be mine either way! xo

  109. The second I read the title, I wanted the book. And you're in it! Even better.

  110. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Oh, I would love to win this!

  111. idream0f7:54 AM

    I never win, but just in case...pick me :)

  112. AlisonT7:57 AM

    Sounds like a great book!

  113. Allyson8:24 AM

    I want this book! (Please!)

  114. book sounds fantastic. i so enjoy your blog, recipes, and stories. thanks for taking the time.

    1. On the odd chance that I am picked. How do I get you my email address? I didn't want to put it on the public page, but I don't see how to send it to you. This question probably just put me out of the running :)

  115. Oh- me-me-me!!!! Save my marriage with cassoulet! Sounds fabulous!

  116. Sounds like a great book - I'd love to win (or even buy) a copy!

  117. heather8:56 AM

    sounds like a perfect book!

  118. The fuck fuck fuck fuck comment makes it sound like this might be a cooking book I could actually get into. I have seventy bajillion books crammed into this tiny little space that is mine (sigh, okay, *ours*), but not one of them is about cooking. Unless you count kids' kitchen science experiment books, of which I have probably too many. My husband would make some clever comment about how that completely explains my cooking prowess. :)

  119. never managed a comment, but for this book I will try!!!

  120. Shannon H.9:36 AM

    A collection of stories and recipes? And you're in it? Lovely! Happiest of birthdays to Birdy.

  121. I love you Catherine Newman! And every time I open one of the (nine gagillion)magazines I subscribe to and find that you have a piece in it, I do a little freak-out dance of happiness. (Am I the only person who still cries a little each day for the loss of Wondertime?) Anyway, Happy March 12 to you and your gorgeous family. Also, I would love this book. I really like cassoulet and I (mostly) like my husband so I think it's a win-win.

  122. Congratulations on your book! I can't wait to read it - please please pick me :)

  123. This book looks fantastic! Thanks so much for the chance to win it! Yea!!!

  124. Throwing my hat in the ring. Thanks for taking us along on the continuing ride!

  125. Sarahd11:06 AM

    Yes, please! Pick me! Happy (late) Birthday, Birdy!

  126. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I'm so glad you are in this book! A perfect book for you to be included in. Good for you! --Cathy K

  127. I don't suppose it makes me unique, but I have followed you and your darlings since Babycenter -- having two of my own at pretty much the same ages as yours. Your blog inspires me to shrug off my angst at having to be the constant provider of nourishment to picky eaters, so I agree, a cookbook with many expletives sounds like heavenly reading!

  128. Linda WL12:15 PM

    I want to win, but if I don't I think I'll have to buy the book. But first I need to finish Team of Rivals and the other six books I am trying to read in the 2 minutes I have before falling asleep. Thanks for the chance, Catherine!

  129. If you wrote a piece for the book, then I want. Sometimes I read an article in a magazine without paying attention to the author and then think, this is so wonderful I wonder who wrote and it always turns out to be you.

  130. I want to read this so much! Congratulations on having your story in the book.

  131. I love Phyllis Grant, and you too of course. What a great premise for a book. Thank you!

  132. Ooh, I just saw Caroline Grant brandishing a copy at AWP...sound so good. And in my husband's family food=love; ergo, not liking their cheap crappy discount store food=hate.

  133. oh man. You're review of this book has me anticipating all the wonderful ups and downs of reading it. All the time I'll call out to my DH saying "listen to this..." and he'll politely pause and listen because he loves me and loves to humor me. All the new recipes that I'll try that will be special to me because of the stories that they came from... while my family will wonder what the big fuss is about. yup. I definitely see reading this book sometime in the future!

  134. There's a reason why going out to eat is the #1 date activity.

  135. Seeing as how I'm going to have to get it anyway, might as well try to win it first!

  136. I hope I win this, but you definitely make me want to go out and buy it!

  137. I'd love to win! Thank you! :)

  138. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I absolutely can't wait to read this. I mostly use the library, don't add to my collection of "bought" books too often, but I always buy compilations like this. I like to re-read and savor them.. and if it has an essay from you in there, oh, boy! can't wait - Julie

  139. ha, much love for the 10yo experimental hairstyles!

  140. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I am hoping that #146 is a charm....

  141. This sounds like a great book! Here's hoping I win it! :-)

  142. Natalie1:42 PM

    This book sounds amazing, especially since you have a story in it. Thanks for the opportunity!

  143. Love the picture of little Birdy! The book sounds great!

  144. Would love a copy of the book -- my oldest baby is now an astonishing 14, and this week we have been planning for high school, so I need a book that gives me an excuse to cry (and to cook).

  145. miryboo2:03 PM

    10?! Where has the time gone??? Thanks for the giveaway!

  146. I didn't get to say it before so I'll say it now: Happy birthday Birdy!

  147. I so can't wait to read it! Thank you!

  148. Oh this books sounds lovely. When I was in eighth grade a "friend" started a horrible rumor about me, and when my mom asked how my day was, I sobbed "I wouldn't wish this on my *worst* enemy!" and ran upstairs to my bed. My mom appeared about 20 minutes later with a bowl of warmed up "Spaghettios with Meatballs" and buttered bread. To this day, I associate Spaghettios with comfort food, though I don't eat them!

  149. That book sounds lovely!

  150. My oldest just turned 7! Happy day to your girl.

  151. I feel like no matter what else is going on in our lives, food is one way I can always show my family love. I would LOVE to win this book!

  152. Anonymous4:21 PM

    My oldest daughter is still 9 and thinking about her turning double digits makes me weep. Like so many others I have followed you since Baby Center days and get so excited when I find your articles in magazines I am reading. I hope I win the book but will be reading it either way. Thanks for the chance!
    xo, Christine F

  153. I would love this book. Thanks for the opportunity.

  154. Pick me! Must read the profanity-laced, potato-peeling scene!

  155. I've been with you since you were pregnant with Birdy, ten years, sniff. You and I are great friends, you just don't know it ;) xoxo

  156. I love the title!

  157. shari5:52 PM

    I would love it! I am always amazed at the number of comments when you give something away. :)

  158. Love it! and food too:)

  159. cabster6:29 PM

    This book sounds delicious!

  160. I would like to nominate my dear friend Ladidah to win this book! Can I do that? Yes?

    Ladidah and I met more than 9 years ago in a baby group. I'm convinced that we became great friends because I suggested she read your Babycenter blog, which like I, Ladidah fell instantly in love with you and your reading. We have been stalking following you ever since.

    Now many years later, Ladidah lives on the other side of the country, my son is about to turn 10 (I consider him an odd-twin of Birdy's, just thought you might want to know) and Ladidah just had her 3rd child. I wish that I was closer to her to help her through this crazy time, and I know this book would cheer her up if it came from you via me!!

    PS: we are loving the root vegetable salad!!!

  161. MUST know about blackaroni & cheese!

  162. Birdy knows how to rock a hairdo! I'd love to win the book.

  163. Eve in Oakland7:43 PM

    I think this is my first comment to you though I commented once at the Disney site to tell them they're foolish or whatever we were doing when you stopped writing there. I work in a bookstore in Oakland, CA and have sold many copies of "Waiting for Birdy" as my staff pick.

    I was intending to log on (do we still say that?) today to tell you a book just came in to our shop w/ an essay by you and lo! here it is! showing off it's fantastic eye catching cover! I put it on the counter so get ready to run to the printers for another print run.

    Thanks for all your writing. Count us as another household where "Catherine" means you and everyone knows you and we love your recipes.

  164. Ooh, another giveaway! I love that you do this, and love the great book recommendations. Thank you for brightening my day!

  165. Amy in Portland9:13 PM

    Any book with the line "Try to untangle depression from fatigue from clumsiness from failure" is destined for a place in my heart.

  166. me please! I have been reading you for a decade but this may well be my first comment…

  167. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Happy birthday, dear Birdy, from another one of your mama's loyal and loving readers! Keep bringing on the recommendations, and recipes. Every post from you truly is like a little, shining present.

    And can I just add that I adore all you fellow Catherine readers, too? Honestly, just knowing you're out there, loving & living through so many of the same things I do (all summed up by loving this woman's writing)... it helps me through my days. ~ Kelda

  168. The whole food as love thing really resonates for me. Every dish I make, I wonder if it is the one my kids will talk about when I am dead. Uplifting, I know! This looks like an amazing book.

  169. The cover is lovely, even pixelly! ;) I can't wait to read it, whether I win a copy or not.

  170. April1:10 AM

    Happy birthday, happy spring (it's coming!), happy food love stories!

  171. Hay birthday to Birdy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  172. Excellent writing and recipes included? Yes, please enter me in the drawing! Happy Birthday to Birdy!! I remember being with you on babycenter (I also have a daughter turning 10 this month), and I also remember when my third child was born exactly two years later, laying in bed after nursing her and reading your book while she slept. It was hard to be cracking up laughing...quietly...trying not to wake up the baby. So glad you are still writing here!

  173. Happy Birthday to Birdy! What a lucky girl she is, indeed. I need this book like a hole in the head, seeing as how my trunk is full of books to be carted off to the Goodwill. Still, can't resist.

  174. I would love to read this the beach...with someone else cooking the food in it...

    Please pick me!

  175. ladidah1:13 PM

    so glad you gave such an obvious reason for commenting because i've been wanting to do so anyway. couldn't believe that birdy is 10. which makes ben simply an unimaginable age. i'm one of your readers who is back at babycenter with a 9, 5 and 3 wk old and i'm actually embarrassed to say that it meant a lot to me to hear you say you might feel a pang of jealousy. because right now my thoughts tend to be "what the f-ck happened? i'm now bringing a baby/toddler where ever i go for the few years?!" and it's good to keep this in perspective..a great blessing to again have a baby in the house. so, you might be slow on the pulse of other writers/bloggers but you are perfectly on my pulse. that makes less sense than i want it to but too tired to revise...

  176. Laura D1:22 PM

    Two things: one, I'd love to read this book. Please pick me. It would make my preggo self weep (which happens at least once a day. Ah, hormones.) Two, my husband loves your crack broccoli so much that he requests it as a ROAD TRIP food when we make the long trip from Chicago to Philadelphia.

  177. I'm sure I would love this book. Pick me :) xoxo

  178. How are these babies a decade old already? Cray. Zee. Would love to win this, but will buy it anyways (my almost 10 year old looooved Unbored enormously, which I bought after my non-win) xo

  179. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I am not like you - meaning I don't like to cook. But I have read your stuff every week since Ben was a baby and cried countless times. And when I make your recipes and they are so good, I am dazzled and amazed! Enter me please.

  180. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I can't believe your little bird is in the double digits! My family and I love the recipes you post, please keep up the good work.
    Katy B.

  181. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Weeeeee, pick me! My little mouse is also 10 as of Monday - doesn't time fly???

  182. this book sounds like such bliss. When I don't win I will buy it anyway :)

  183. this book sounds wonderful; i imagine it could change my whole attitude about preparing food.

  184. I'd love to win it. But I'll be telling my library to buy it just in case I don't! :-)

  185. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Sounds like a great read/kitchen-experiment. Earlier this year I read M.F.K. Fisher's "How to Cook a Wolf" to seek lighthearted tips on how to deal during a budget crisis - aka the Great Depression (Fisher) or the bottomless recession Michigan's thrown its public teachers into (Me). Love seeing one of her quotes in this book!
    - Amy from Michigan

  186. Stories and recipes and more blogs to find!!?? Sounds perfect. Even if I don't win, I'll be buying it (and most likely sharing it, too).

  187. food and love and stories, sounds like perfection!

  188. Emily S11:57 PM

    Of course I want this book! But I'll go ahead and ask the library to purchase it seeing as I'm the 194th to leave a comment.

  189. Christina V.12:58 AM

    That book looks great- can't wait to read it! (hoping my book club might choose it....)

  190. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Food, family, friends, good stories--what more do we need? Sounds like a lovely book, and one I'll definitely be buying if I don't win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity, Catherine!
    --Susan C.

  191. Angela3:41 AM

    Please! Thanks for the snowdrops waving their pretty heads, thanks for nearly-8 years of lovely writing since my son was born (and the two years I missed) - and please enjoy the daffodils I'm (probably?) sending to your garden... though they might take a little while to arrive!

  192. Jennie Angell10:51 AM

    This book looks fantastic. What a treat it would be to win it. My twin boys are also 10, & I discovered your blog when they were just tiny. Have been quietly following since then. Love your recipes & your stories & your sweet kids. Could say more, but can't put my thoughts together with my 3 year old climbing all over me!

  193. Anonymous12:33 PM

    oh my..."some people cook food" is certainly something someone could tell me this days...I so want the book...By the way, I have a 10 y.o and follow you since baby center!! That last post made me weep. Love from Uruguay


  194. Kristy B12:49 PM

    I never win anything, but it doesn't hurt to try. This only being the 2nd time ever entering one of your great give-a-ways! (guess you have to play to even have a chance at winning) Sounds like a great book, thank you!

  195. I feel the same way about food! I would love to win this book, but will definitely read it either way :) Love, Heather
