Oh, it's game season! For playing and giving. Money spent on a good game is money well spent, I think: the amount of play value is almost incalculable. As you may know, I’ve been recommending games for the
holidays for a while now, so please allow me to refer you to
this post, in
which I
link to all the other
places where I’ve described games (and toys and books) in the past. There are also some holiday-gift recipes in the post. More game links
here, and
here. Holiday books round-up
here. For this year, let me start with the crazy gamer
games and then move into the more conventional ones:

Seafarers of Catan
is another of those games (like
Acquire or, kill me,
that does something weird to me, and I can’t pretend it’s good. And by
weird I mean
testosterone. During a recent game, I got so mad at Michael that I
had the humiliating experience of the kids saying, “Mama, Mama, he wasn’t
trying to screw you. You have to get over it or it’s really not going to be fun
for you.” Sigh. Still, I always want to play. And the kids, who are better
sports than I am, love it. Please note that you need to get the original (and
very excellent)
basic Catan first; this is, as we gamers say, an “expansion.”

It is so not okay to use as the theme of your game the
Colonial occupation of an island nation, especially given that the indigenous
people who weren’t wiped out by violence and disease were enslaved by the same
brutal plantations that this game celebrates. So. If you are up for doing a
little thematic intervention about the terrible politics of the game, then
Puerto Rico is an excellent game, from
the standpoint of gaming: complex, strategic, always interesting. My children
are willing to play even given that I have to speak constantly about how offensive
it is, so you know it’s a good game.
Chris Perry? Is that you? |
I’ve mentioned
before—the bean-trading game with bad art—but I’ve never mentioned it in the
context of holiday gift-giving, for which it is excellent: easy to learn, fun
to play, and not insanely expensive. Also, legumes! You won’t have the added pleasure of Ben’s
thinking that the Soy Bean looks like a friend of ours, but you’ll still enjoy
It’s a total
Chinese Checkers renaissance around here. We’ve been playing with
“super” version rules,
which is insanely fun and, if you know the game, really eliminates that boring
mid-game congestion that can sap your will to live. Do try to get the version
of the game that comes with iridescent marbles. They’re so beautiful I always want to put them in my mouth (Maybe
that’s not a selling point?). Our friend Ava, whose family has the same set as
us, has named all the colors: Dragon, Gubble Bum, Mustard, Ocean, Fire, and, my
favorite, Almond Bath Bubble.
Booby-Trap is
also enjoying a renaissance. I once recommended a newfangled version of it on
amazon, but
look on ebay! 12 bucks will get you the exact version we have,
which is both delightful and esthetically pleasing. But if your kids are the sort to argue over
potential turn-ending nanovibrations during pick-up-sticks, this is not the
game for them.
Wait, this isn't a video game? They told me it was a video game. |
This is
Perplexus Epic. Do you need a large, clattery, and expensive ball of plastic in your
house? Kind of! It’s a 3-D maze and, for us, it’s sort of a compromise—like a
mechanical version of a video game, given that the kids don’t do a lot of
screen stuff. It seems good for the old hand-eye coordination and
logic-development, if you go in for those sorts of things. Plus, it’s great for
odds and ends of time and, strangely, social: they watch each other play, even
though you can’t begin to imagine why. If your kids are new to this large,
clattery, expensive plastic phenomenon, then start with the original, less-epic
A total trip down candy-memory lane, right? |
If a large, fun jigsaw puzzle is in your holiday-vacation
plans, please allow me to recommend
Candy Wrappers. We did it with our friends Meg and Pete over the summer, and I
can’t think of one I’ve liked better. Oooh, except for
this one, which is delicious in more of a Frank Lloyd Wright kind of way.
Eye Can Art Kits.
Full disclosure: the lovely Eye Can Art folks sent us the Layered Wax Drawing
Kit to test out, and Birdy loved it. The other kit that’s really catching our
eye is the Sumi-e Ink Painting Kit. Ooh, and the cut-paper kit. The quality is
absolutely fantastic, and the project we did was very thoughtfully conceived
and explained.
That said, it’s a little bit on the expensive side, and you wish there were a
little more in the can—ours had enough material to complete two projects—but you
could supplement easily with inexpensive stuff from Michael’s.
Can you see how lovely this is? It's got layers of paper and wax and cray-pas, and it's stunning. |
They’re offering
a coupon code until December 17
th: “
HOLIDAYKITS12 may be used on
our website for $5 off your order at www.eyecanart.com.
Limit one discount per order.”

Unbored: The Essential Field Guide to Serious Fun Another full disclosure: the
publishers sent us this book. But I like it a lot or, I promise, I wouldn’t be
mentioning it. (For instance, have you heard me recommending an energy bar made
entirely of whey? Or a cookbook filled entirely with meatloaf recipes? I didn’t
think so.) It’s huge, illustrated, a little campy, a little retro. The kids
made a vibrating tongue-depressor harmonica/kazoo from it. They play a game from
it called “the game” that is a total mind fuck. They love that it’s not gender-specific.
This is from the press release: “
Most of its 352 full-color pages are dedicated to
activities — the best of the old (crafts, bicycle repair, science experiments),
and the new (geocaching, yarn bombing, LED “graffiti”) — for boys and girls to
do on their own and with their parents. It's a hands-on, DIY book with
contributions from three dozen talented experts in their various fields.”
Please note Birdy’s classic sign of approval: the million post-it notes.
Ben modeling a sardine sandwich for ChopChop. |
ChopChop: Full disclosure:
I edit this kids’ cooking magazine! But it’s so, so great that if you haven’t
subscribed, you should! Ben and Birdy cook us whole, entire meals from it. If
that’s not worth the $14.95 subscription price, I don’t know what is.
Stripy jar sweater not included. |
Cuppow. A final full
disclosure: I was not famous enough for these people to bother sending me a
press sample, and STILL I LOVE IT ANYWAY. It’s a BPA-free plastic lid that
turns a mason jar into a hot or cold to-go cup. Brilliant. There’s a wide-mouth
one and a regular mouth one, and I bought them both and plan to buy more as
gifts. (Note: Will you feel, dorkily, like you're drinking coffee from a grown-up sippy cup? Yes. Will that stop you? No.)
Also for grown-ups:
This book is perfect, as I know I've mentioned.
What are you guys playing, reading, making, giving? And should we do a give-away on Amazon? Of what?