
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Last-Minute Valentines!

Weirdly addictive tortilla pizza valentine! I folded the tortilla in half and cut it with scissors, just like I was making a regular paper valentine and not one that I was just going to eat by myself before anybody woke up. You could add a note: "It's cheesy, but I love you." 
Oh my god! Did I leave you hanging? For Valentine's Day? I'm sorry! Hopefully you remembered that there were lots of ideas and links here. (That flip-you-off Valentine actually just made me laugh out loud. Because I crack myself up.) Plus, don't forget Birdy's preschool masterpieces.

But here are two (three if you count the pizza) last minute ideas that you could still do TODAY! Before your kids even wake up, assuming they're teenagers! First up: thumbody loves you! This is a very small piece of cardstock, like, 2 by 3 inches, I think. And an embellished thumbprint. Done.

I got these lovely chocolate bars and wrapped them up all fancy. I printed heart paper from this free download site, then made a simple paper, er, cummerbund. 

Boom. Done.

This is not especially quick or easy, so just bookmark it for next year. It's a red cotton shirt (thrifted, natch), washed and dried and fabric painted using a freezer-paper stencil (follow these directions). "heart" is 144 point helvetica bold, and I successfully printed it directly on the freezer paper, to eliminate the step of tracing it.

Okay. This was just something that happened accidentally: a heart sequin floating in my tea. But I thought it looked quite festive!
One last thing: if your partner has a good sense of humor, read this together. It's a little bitter, but it made us laugh and laugh.


  1. Muitos de nós estamos preocupados que o que resultou de Nice não seja o suficiente para fazer face ao alargamento iminente, e é por essa razão - ainda que agradecendo as declarações da Presidência do Conselho
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    Mariana, danke für das Teilen, danke in und bei uns zu sein; danke für deinen Unterricht, deine Bücher, deine Erinnerungen

    Muito obrigado Dr. Lab por compartilhar suas experiências de laboratório, técnicas secretas e paixão analógica no em sua primeira edição de Dicas de Aberrações de Filmes.
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    Unser Dank geht an Norma und Ruth für das Teilen ihrer Herzen mit uns.

  2. What great ideas! Thank you for the hearty (get it?) laugh with the New Yorker poems. Loved!

  3. Those poems! Just what my husband and I needed today while trapped inside due to the -degree temperatures with three kids who can do nothing but fight and yell and cry. We will read them again and again to get us through. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for the link to the poems. My husband and I laughed and laughed too. Best of all was the mention in the last poem of the town of Montclair, where we lived when we got married. Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. We are here laughing with tears rolling down our faces. Guess we got a good sense of humor for Valentine's Day.

  6. My husband and I cried at these poems and then we sent them to EVERYONE. Who also loved them. Loved the thumbprint card - that was very sweet. Maybe I'll do that one next yr. I did make homemade cards - we like to do that more since we are a tiny bit cheap (translate hubby is) but the homemade ones do mean more. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day.

  7. Those poems are the best things ever!

  8. What great ideas! Thank you for the hearty (get it?) laugh with the New Yorker poems. Loved!
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