
Friday, April 08, 2011

Game Give-Away Redux

Okay! You have patiently waited out the firing and the self-sorrying and the regrouping and the Frankensteiny mooning around, and now it's time for the long-promised game give-away. I will mention here that a new favorite of ours is Dixit, which we got Birdy for her birthday for the sole reason that some of you mentioned it here back in December (thank you)! It's a fantastic game: like a cross between the dictionary game (or Balderdash, if you're high-tech like that) and Apples to Apples and something totally different--with super-weird, pleasantly creepy art and buckets of creativity. It's also insanely easy to learn. We played it with my parents and Ben and Birdy--and the fact that everybody loved it, and scored similarly (except for one person who won because this is kind of what she, ahem, does professionally) proved to me its tremendous value.
Anyways. I mention this particular game only because I'm thinking of it. What you should do is simply leave a comment here with the game you'd hope to win--any game, as long as it's on Amazon--and I will pick a winner and have the game sent on its way. Easy peasy.

Happy weekend!



  1. Robin Ayala2:27 PM

    I would actually love this game Dixit. From the photo you showed it looks like something my family and I would enjoy. My daughter both play string intruments. Should I mention my birthday is on Easter Sunday this year so it would be nice to win?? heheh Sorry couldnt help try and sway the jury.

  2. I have been wanting to get Bananagrams, I think you play this game too? I just never have picked it up. My husband is obsessed lately with Words with Friends/Word Feud on his phone and I think we would like playing this game. And it comes in a banana, how cool is that?

  3. My daughter's birthday is coming at the end of the month and Dixit has been saved in my amazon cart since the last game giveaway! Like you, I was intrigued by the comments about the game and thought it would work great for my "three children at different developmental stages" family.

  4. First, we loved the Shoop Shrimp.

    The kiddos are majorly into planning gardens and writing in nature journals these days. I think they would love Harvest Time, and I would love them playing a cooperative game.

  5. I would love to have a classic version of Clue. Old school I know, but loads of fun.

  6. Erin A.2:57 PM

    We loved the game recommendations before Christmas. We got Ticket to Ride - Nordic version since you can play with just 2 people if needed. We would love this game Dixit to add to our collection. Also, I made the tortilla soup last night (minus the chicken since we had none and double the beans). Fabulous!Thanks again for saving dinner. Tamale Pie, dinner beans, and the roasted tomato sauce are also favorites. Thanks again for your blog. It keeps me sane.

  7. plazamom3:06 PM

    Dixit looks cool! I'd never heard of that one. Lately we've been enjoying the ThinkFun games lately -- Cover My Tracks, Rush Hour, Solitaire Chess, Chocolate Fix. They're great for car trips and to play with at a restaurant while we're waiting for the food to come.

    We also love Quirkle, and the card game "Sleeping Queens." And the girls love to play Cranium's Zooreka with their friends. For this contest, though, I'd love to win Dixit. It looks like fun -- so imaginative!

  8. Ha ha! I just read Erin A.'s comment and realized that I completely forgot about adding the beans to the tortilla soup. It did seem like our broth to chicken ration was a little high. I had overestimated the contents of my pantry (no diced tomatoes or chipotle peppers) and the condition of my limes (shriveled), so I substitued a can of El Pato spicy tomato sauce for both for the tomatoes and peppers and squeezed as much as I could out of those limes. Delicious (and spicy!).

    I would love to try Dixit. My 6-year-old really struggles with losing, he'll just choose not to play, so I think this game with even-ish scoring would be great.

  9. Our kids play best together when they are playing games like this, though my one who struggles at storytelling (even about "what happened at school today") might find Dixit challenging. So while I'd like Dixit, I wonder if we're at a better Apples to Apples Junior stage. But thanks for priming the pump!

  10. I would love to win Dixit! My daughter's birthday is on the 26th and that would be just swell!

  11. Ludlow3:22 PM

    Carcassonne for my daughter who is turning 8 at the end of April! (Yes, I have been reading you, Catherine, all the way from Seattle, since we both had our girls in our wombs.)

  12. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Well, Dixit sounds great, and we've been so happy with your other recommendations!

  13. Anonymous, above
    Duh - can't win a prize if I'm anonymous. I pressed the button too fast!

    Dixit sounds fun.

  14. Love to try Dixit....! Thanks!

  15. We are dying to play Ticket to Ride after everyone said nice things about it - but that is kind of an expensive one, so Dixit would be great!!

  16. I would love to win Dixit because your description made it sound like a perfect addition to our meager game collection. We're at that awkward phase where our youngest still struggles with games requiring you to read or do any higher level problem solving. His preschoolesque game-ending tantrums are a total buzz kill.

  17. Sarahd3:53 PM

    Come to think of it, I haven't taught the kids Chinese checkers yet. And both of them are old enough not to swallow marbles! (And have been for a while. Oops! Bad mama!)

  18. Jennifer LB4:02 PM

    Dixit looks AWESOME - especially after our parent/teacher conference yesterday where our son's teachers told us he needs storytelling practice.

    I keep meaning to comment to tell you again just how much I appreciate you and your amazing writing. My husband often finds me laughing or cooking based on your superb descriptions.

  19. shari b4:11 PM

    Dixit would do it for me! thanks Catherine.

  20. I've heard the game Rollick! is a fun one--kind of like reverse charades.

  21. Dixit for me! That would be fantastic! Thanks for doing this giveaway.

  22. dale in denver4:17 PM

    The classics that we love are always for 4, so we are always in need of games that 5 can play. Dixit fits the bill, so why not? I'm game to give it a go.

  23. I would love to add Gobblet to our home as well as most games that you suggest Catherine, so I may be tempted to try Dixit as well.
    My oldest son got Hunters and Gatherers for Christmas because of your great game list and we have all been really enjoying it.
    I too love Quirkle for all those out there looking for new games. Good for different developmental levels. I like it so much that my kids are suspicious of the game (almost like spinach) :)

  24. Dixit! We need a good family game, and I love your recommendations.

  25. Well geez, how would I not choose Dixit now?!

    Thanks so much! You're a peach!

  26. Wow, that Dixit game sounds really neat!

  27. Isn't there a hunter/gatherer game you mentioned awhile back? I'll look into it, but if I win, that's the one I want.


  28. Yay! I've been drooling over Carcassonne--Hunter Gatherers ever since you mentioned it in your previous post. We're big Settlers of Catan fans, so I think this would be a hit. I'd love to win it! Thanks for the contest.

  29. I'd love to try Dixit! We constantly struggle to find games that will suit all of our 3 kiddos and this looks great!

  30. Rebecca J.4:53 PM

    Cahterine, Have you and yours ever played Munchkin? We love it. It's pretty nerdy, though. :)

    I think my 11-year old Ben and his little brother would love Settlers of Catan. My husband and I played it long ago with some friends who had it, but the kids have never seen it.

    Thanks for you wonderful columns; I'm glad you are keeping them up.

  31. Dixit looks like a great idea for my 8 and 7 year olds!

  32. OOOH!!! We LOVE games in our family. I would like Banagagrams! I think it could be great to teach my first grader more sight words and spelling!!

  33. We'd like the train game, what's it called again? (I wish you'd linked to the previous post, I'm "lazy" like that ;)

    oh, yeah Ticket to Ride, that's the one!

  34. Anonymous5:11 PM

    We'd love to try Carcassonne. We're always looking for games that both kids will like..

  35. Well, hello there! How funny you should mention Dixit! We would LOVE to win that one. A friend was telling us about it the other day. Not that I ever WIN anything - but I DID get your Dad's Spaghetti recipe and that is a winner!

  36. miryboo5:21 PM

    Thanks for the giveaway! We're still hoping for Zooloretto.

  37. Your description of Dixit has me thinking it is something we would all love at our house too. We love Apples to Apples and I love Balderdash, but haven't played it in ages. Though I have also been meaning to pick up one of the Carcassonne games too. :)

  38. I think Ticket to Ride would be our choice. Thanks so much for offering a giveaway!

  39. I've decided we need regular, square blokus!

  40. Dixit sounds wonderful!

  41. ladidah6:13 PM

    oooh, the one that you mentioned that was like monopoly - was it called aquire? - for my money-loving 7 yo.


  42. You know, Dixit sounds great to me! We're big fans of any Cranium game and this seems like it would fit right in.

  43. My daughter would love Dixit. But how do you pronounce it? We know a family with this as their last name, and it is pronounced dik-sh*t!

  44. We'd love Dixit! Our daughter is the same age as Birdy as it would fit us well, too. :) -- Amy in Portland

  45. Either Dixit or Apples to Apples sounds great. Glad you are feeling better.

    Thanks for the contest.

  46. Dixit sounds like lots of fun! My kids love new games and my almost-five year old is now able to keep up with most family games.

  47. Hi Catherine!

    Can't wait to try that shrimp recipe.

    We'd love to have Qwirkle. We need a game that works well for just 2 players.


  48. My choice is Dixit, too. I've been wanting it for our family since it was mentioned in December. And while I'm here I'll recommend one too - we got Wits and Wagers Family edition from a friend for Christmas. It's a ton of fun.

  49. After that description I would have to say Dixit.

    If you are looking for other games try Rummikub. A great one for logic and creativity with numbers. When you play with a large group it is even more fun.

  50. Would love to win Dixit, it sounds like so much fun. Our family have really gotten into board games recently. It was like we had forgotten about them until your last game post reminded me to get them out.

  51. Anonymous9:34 PM

    C, you are a genius of recommending! I have been longing for Ticket to Ride.
    Meg Lemay

  52. Janet L.9:49 PM

    Hmm, I think I'd have to go with Qwirkle! Hope you're well...

  53. Anonymous10:01 PM

    ba ba ba banagrams please :)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Brooke10:11 PM

    I would love to try Dixit! We are the only people in our hood and in our kids worlds who don't have Wii, playstation, xbox, DS, etc etc and our girls are starting to get self conscious about this when they have friends over....soooooo...we've become THE GAME HOUSE! We got Rumis and Carcassone Hunters and Gatherers and Dutch Blitz for Christmas for them this year...we are having so much fun! Would love to add another fun (and easy to learn for their friends) game to the docket! They can be cool in a very different kind of way...

    BTW have Ben and Birdy tried quilling? Klutz has a great set and it's super fun! I thought of birdie in particular, since she loves those teeny tiny treats.


  56. I would LOVE to win Dixit. I've got a 7 year old who would get a kick out of playing it. :)

  57. Orchard by Haba - I love that it can be played cooperatively or competitively, not to mention the game pieces are super cute . . .

  58. I'd love Dixit too. Sounds like the 5 of us could play it and have a lovely time.


  59. OK, I had to go back to your December/Holiday postings on games to reread your comments on so many games that I keep wanting to get but then just haven't yet. And I've decided Carcassone Hunters & Gatherers is the one for us. Even if I don't win, I'm ordering this with my next Amazon purchase. And probably a few more you recommended.

  60. After reading your recommendations we bought Carcassonne for the children for Christmas and Zooloretto following that. We've become committed players playing them several times a week. Strategy with a bit of luck makes ensures the whole family is in with a chance. Much better to spend home time doing this than other separate activities. Dominion looks great. Have been reading you pieces since the beginning.

  61. It was on your recommendation that we got Ticket to Ride, and we are loving it.
    And so I will take your recommendation again and say I'd love to play Dixit. It looks fabulous--and since I'm an English teacher then maybe just maybe I could win this game :)

    PS: It makes my heart so happy that you are writing here. Thought you should know that!

  62. We'd love Zooloretto, or Dixit also looks awesome. Candyland, be gone!

  63. Karen T.8:16 AM

    Well, hello!! Who wouldn't love one of your recommendations?? I would want Dixit. Please and thank you so much!!

  64. I don't have a particular game in mind, although Dixit looks good. Our kids are so into family game nights right now that they haven't chosen to watch their nightly TV in a couple weeks! Our big issue is the age span we have: 7, 6, 4, and 1.5 (although the baby mostly likes to steal any dice or game pieces and run away cackling with them.) It's hard to find something my husband and I enjoy (Shutes and Ladders makes us cringe!) that all the kids can do. Their favorites are Jenga, Yahtzee and I Spy but anything beyond that would be a welcome addition to our family fun!

  65. Am still pining for Carcassonne! And your tortilla soup...

  66. Yay fun! We've been wanting Carcassone (I think that's how it's spelled) and I know there are a bunch of different ones, so we'd have to figure out the best beginner version.

  67. Love this giveaway idea. Especially since my 6 year-old is in a decidedly grouchy and defiant stage unless, that is, he is playing a board or card game! And I have started dreaming in "Chutes and Ladders." Time for something new.

    It would be a difficult choice if I were picked because this Dixit looks very interesting. But I have been thinking of introducing Mr. Sassypants to SET. Do you know it?

  68. Thank you so much for all the game recommendations. Dwarves and Dice -- loved by Birdy -- is a new favorite in our house. I'd like to add either Nile by Minion Games or Galloping Pigs by Rio Grande Games to our repertoire. Thanks again -- my fingers are crossed! :D

  69. Looks like a great game! We are now playing Modern Art, which I received for Christmas all thanks to you!

  70. I want Bananagrams! I admire that game every time I'm at a toy store but I always hold myself back because I worry that my kids will think it's more "teachy" than fun (even though I think it looks like a blast!) :-)

    Keep recommending games!! I love games and it's so hard to know what to get from just the box. (Oh, a and game that my kids and I just started playing and are adoring is Spot It, which is fast and easy and good for all ages -- or in my case, 5, 8 and 34).

  71. Hi Catherine! I'm one of your shy fans who reads everything you write faithfully (since you were pregnant with Ben!), but never comments because I'm afraid I'd laugh and blow snot out of my nose or embarrass myself in some other way. BUT, we're big game players over here (I have 3 and 6 year old boys), so I'm being brave and posting. I would love to try Dixit. But if you think there's a game my 3 year old (almost 4) could play even for a short period of time before he wanders off or wrecks the board, we're game...heh heh, get it?

  72. Hi Catherine! I'm one of your shy fans who reads everything you write faithfully (since you were pregnant with Ben!), but never comments because I'm afraid I'd laugh and blow snot out of my nose or embarrass myself in some other way. BUT, we're big game players over here (I have 3 and 6 year old boys), so I'm being brave and posting. I would love to try Dixit. But if you think there's a game my 3 year old (almost 4) could play even for a short period of time before he wanders off or wrecks the board, we're game...heh heh, get it?

  73. OK - I'm in. If I get lucky and win, then send me Dixit. Your description and endorsement is enough for me! In fact, this past Xmas, I got my 7 year old the Great Brain series that you'd recommended a couple of years ago. He LOVES them. He's read the 3 books like a dozen times, each! His birthday is this month, and the theme is based on these books. We'll be playing Kick the Can and other classic kid games described in the books. BUT, if it is raining, games like Dixit would be very welcome to keep the kids entertained!

  74. Apples to aren't old enough, yet, but they will be soon. And in the meantime...

  75. Elena3:59 PM

    I have been longing for Zooloretto ever since you mentioned the game in your post in the fall. But, it is expensive, so if it is too much, then Hiss or maybe Operation... BTW, were you the one who suggested Sleeping Queens? This game rocks - my 5yo plays it daily now and we will be giving it to all of her little birthday-having friends. Thank you for being here.


  76. Thank you for asking! I have a wish list of games on a sticky, but my birthday is so far away. If I could have one game I would put Ticket to Ride at the top of my list. If I can't have that, what I really want is more time to play and children who don't grow up too quickly so they'll want to play with me.

  77. So happy to see you again! I miss you from reading your articles in Wondertime which made me smile and laugh! Just by chance I saw you agin in Family Fun and decided to google you and here you are! Dixit sounds like family fun and those kinds of moments (and how to make them) makes my heart warm!

  78. My wish is for Slamwich which you mentioned on here before. I love the story of Ben and Birdy putting the cards in their toy oven when the game was not in use. I can imagine my kids would do the same thing!

  79. dixit sounds really good. perfect for us. i can't remember where i heard about 'dutch blitz' - was it here? anyway, we spent way too many hours playing it in the rainy catskills last weekend and it was really fun. so if you don't have it - get it!

  80. Ooh, I'd love to win Blokus Jr. I found it after I followed your link to Blokus. My son's only 3, so Blokus was a stretch. We recently picked up Qwirkle and have enjoyed it. It beats the pants off multiple rounds of Candyland and Don't Break the Ice. It's like Scrabble but with colored shapes instead of letters. Thanks for the chance to win!

  81. Settlers of Catan. We played it once with friends and LOVED it. Thanks for doing a game giveaway--so cool!

  82. Teafortwo9:10 PM

    I've never seen Dixit, so I think that is what I'd like to learn how to play.

    I've spent the past 24 hours playing library activist. Our county board wants to close 75% of the libraries in our county, leaving us with a 30 minute drive to get to one of the remaining branches. I could use a good game about now.

  83. Hi Catherine,
    I tried to register several times on Disney, and sadly never managed to do it. Thanks so much for continuing to post your wonderful recipes. Made your chickpeas w/ spinach recently and it was delicious. I'd love to win Ticket to Ride.

  84. Rachel Cleer9:50 PM

    I would love to try the game Dixit you mentioned. It sounds like fun. I am always looking for games the whole family would enjoy. Thanks!

  85. I have read your blog since I was pregnant with my oldest (turning 8) and you were writing about Ben and being pregnant yourself with Birdy.
    I love you! You're hilarious and smart and just seem like a great person. I am constantly telling my hubby "Oh, I read all about such and such on Catherine's blog- And because he ALWAYS listens to me so well, I don't have to say "You remember- that blog I read? About the girl with 2 kids? She called her baby Birdy when she was pregnant? remember!?"...
    Anyway- Thank you :)
    And I would love to try Dixit, It sounds fun and we are always looking for fun things to do together. Today, it was nice enough to rollerblade and bike ride! YAY SPRING!

  86. Dixit sounds perfect for us! Thanks for the suggestion!

  87. We'd love Dixit! Our daughter is the same age as Birdy as it would fit us well, too. :) -- Amy in Portland

  88. Amy Bailey12:29 AM

    Hi Catherine! We, too, would love to give Dixit a try.

    And since we're talking family games, have you tried Scribblish? It's one the whole family loves, and our daughter literally wets her pants laughing every time we play. If that's not a nod of approval, I don't know what is.

    Amy (I was one_more_amy on

  89. Dixit looks like it would be a super fun game for our family to grow into!

  90. Sarah LaBonte1:04 AM

    I would love to win Dixit or Mancala (not sure about the spelling on that one) My 7 year old son loves to play games with me. Although it is a little heartbreaking because my other son is on the autism spectrum and cannot or chooses not to participate. It is, however, a lovely way to spend time with my very sweet and patient 7 year old. We would love a new game. I have also been following you since your babycenter days and love reading about your beautiful family!

  91. This game looks like something my family would love. It would be so fun to win it.

  92. We've been wanting to try apples to apples...thanks for a chance ;)

  93. Leslie12:44 PM

    I bought Dixit after the last game discussion on the blog, and it's an amazingly fun game. I played it with a group of adults, and we had a wonderful time. I'd actually love to get Dixit 2, because the art is just so lovely. Thank you for doing this contest!

  94. Dixit does sound awesome. I'm a word nerd, too. In a few short weeks, we'll have a bit more time on our hands and we'll be instituting a somewhat regular family game night. Thanks for the suggestions and give-away.

  95. Robin3:26 PM

    Can an almost 3-year-old play Slamwich? If so, mark me down for that one. If not, maybe a suggestion for something that I can play with 3 and 6-year-olds? Thanks!

  96. Utterkelp3:30 PM

    Ohhh, we would love to win "Ticket to Ride". My 8 yr old and I played it for the first time at a Game board night. Of course, we both lost big. It didn't help that we were playing with MIT alumns. But he absolutely loved it and when we tried to order it from Amazon something backfired in cyberspace and the order didn't go through. Glad to see that you are still Kooky!

  97. We'd love to try Zooloretto! We already own quite a few of the games you've recommended and love them, so I know we'll love this one, too! Thanks for doing the fun giveaways! But you do know we'll all be here reading your posts even without the giveaways, right? :-)

  98. Meredith8:19 PM

    Dixit sounds wonderful. Especially since it might be fun for ALL of us! Thank you.

  99. We LOVED the game suggestions this winter and Santa was kind enough to bring our oldest daughter Ticket To Ride - Nordic edition- which has the added value to come in handy should we ever find ourselves lost on the train system in Norway. :) Keep up the great suggestions!

  100. All of your game suggestions sound good. I'd love anything that a five year old who needs time with just the Mom and the Dad and NOT the younger sister would love to play.

  101. Dixit looks fun. Always looking for something new! THanks.

  102. Dixit sounds awesome!

  103. I think we'd like to try Apples to Apples. Seems good for the age group in my house. :)

  104. I would love to see what you would pick for us----a very patient 8 year old and her 4 year old brother who hates, hates, hates to lose.

    Also, loved the tortilla soup--it was a huge hit at our house! Had a ripe mango sitting on the counter and it was perfect in the soup, too.

  105. Oh gosh, now you've sold me on Dixit! It really does sound like a lot of fun though. Thanks for the chance to win and thanks for being here!

  106. Zoolertto for us please. We got Ticket to ride from your recomendations during Christmas. Thanks

  107. I really love Word on the Street or Sumdoku!

  108. We'd love to try Dixit - it sounds great!

  109. Is it too late? If I haven't missed it, I call Dixit. It sounds wonderful!

  110. I love that you just tell us what is up and what you're feeling--firings, bad moods, whatever!

    "Trouble is part of your life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough." - Dinah Shore

    We've got two little kids who want ThinkFun Zingo! :-)

  111. Since you're review in 2010, I've been thinking about getting Sleeping Queens. Perfect for my six year old.

  112. Alison9:44 AM

    Oooo… This makes me feel so guilty. I don’t want you to give me anything; I wish I could give you something. However, I can’t pass up the chance to win that awesome looking/sounding game - DIXIT. I have a 7-1/2 year old so it sounds like it would be right up his/our alley. Best wishes to you – You rock!

  113. DianeB9:54 AM

    We would love to try Wildcraft-- thanks, Catherine!!

  114. Games never lie dormant in our house. Let the games begin!

  115. Ticket to Ride sounds very interesting.

  116. Ohmama-200710:51 AM

    Yay, I love games!
    I might be too late, but I thought hey, at least I'm commenting! My sone is just four so we're navigating the painful preschool territory of candy land and Go Fish (Mama, which one's do you have that I want? Can I just pick? Why won't you show me your cards? Hey, that's not fair! Ect, ect) but I think Slamwhich sounds like it might be a needed break for us, so that's my pick! Hope your weekend was restful, festive. I thought of you as I browned butter for a wonderful cake that uses up pears past their prime, here is the link in case you're interested
    See you soon!

  117. Oh, I would love to win Carcassonne Wheel of Fortune. Sounds like so much fun!

  118. I would love to win the *Original* Mastermind game. I have very fond memories of this from gradeschool, and would love to see my kiddos discover the fun.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. We would love Dixit, or Perfection (or another suggestion for 7 and 4.5 year old sisters).

  122. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I think Dixit would be great for our family. We are just tip-toeing into the land of game playing. --Cathy K

  123. Dixit looks great, on your recommendation, that would be my pick. And my eleven year old (soon to be twelve) is having her b-day this Friday. Would love to be the winner! Hope all is going better and better for you!!! :)

  124. We would love to win Harvest Time!

  125. Dixit's the one for us. It sounded so intriguing in the comments last time, and it would really work for my daughters who are are such different stages.

  126. We asked for (and received) Ticket to Ride and Farkle for Christmas after seeing your list. They are great! Would love to win Dixit.

  127. I've wanted to add Dutch Blitz to our games since you wrote about it around Christmas. Games are often my daughter and me so those that are good for 2 or more are winners for us!

  128. Tonga Island for us! THank you for the giveaway -- with summer vacation ust around the corner I'm stock-piling my games and craft supplies now!

  129. Dixit sounds awesome, I'm always looking for something we can all play. I've been on a board game kick since you listed your favorites and I treasure the family time we have with many of your suggestions.

  130. If the giveaway is still on, I think Hi Ho Cherry-O would be a hit with the younger set around these parts. (Although I, personally, am a little jealous of those with older kids around who get to play games that are a bit more complex...) Thanks!

  131. I would love to win an Apples to Apples Junior or regular version. We borrowed our friends' Junior game months ago--last year, in fact--and have been playing it ever since. We really should give it back.

    You are the best, Catherine! (That has nothing to do with whether I win the game, I've just always thought it.)

  132. Oh! If I'm not too late, I would certainly try Dixit, or maybe one of the Carcasonne games.

  133. I just played Ticket to Ride recently and would love to have that. Thanks!

  134. Looked on Friday and didn't see. Glad I looked back today!!!
    We are big game-players in our house. current favorite is Labyrinth - you can make it harder, but the basic concept is SO simple!
    WE also like word games, and games with creativity, and "the dictionary game" - which we used to play with an honest-to-goodness dictionary when I was growing up - and Balderdash are faves in my "family of origin". We will play this one like crazy, I am sure!

  135. Hmm... can I say surprise me? Except with Ticket to Ride or Zooloretto or Settlers of Catan which I already bought on your recommendations? We haven't played Settlers yet, it was a bit much for my six year old, but she has mastered Ticket to Ride and Zooloretto.

  136. You've sold me on Dixit!

  137. You've sold me on Dixit!

  138. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Dixit sounds great! I'm not that hip with the board games lately, and I already have Trivial Pursuit. I'm thinking Dixit is the best game to round out my "adult" board game set of two.

  139. How did I miss this?? I hope I'm not too late! We would love Dixit. My husband is a huge gamer, and we've never heard of that one. We love Ticket to Ride already, and he agrees with you about your gaming tastes. My daughter will be 8 in May and she loves reading with me about your Birdy.

  140. Ooh - Dixit sounds great! We have been loving games around here lately (just got Carcasonne), and are always excited to try something new (never even heard of Dixit before). Can you play with just 3 players? It is just us adult-sized game-lovers plus one 6 1/2 yo in this house. :) Thanks for the chance!

  141. I would love Dixit too! My 7 year old loves storytelling, so this would be great for her, and we have a family game night every Friday. :-)

    Thanks for continuing your blog!


  142. I would love Dixit for my creative writing crazed daughter and I to play together. Thanks for the tip (and the giveaway!) Glad we still have you, BTW!!

  143. I think my girls would really enjoy Mancala-and Thanks for all the great game recomendations!

  144. Ooh. Dixit looks cool! We are in love with Carcassonne, thanks to you. And with Say Anything, thanks to my mom. My daughter's birthday is at the end of the month, Dixit looks like a totally reasonable stand-in for "Just Dance 2" (ick). Thanks for sharing your amazing game intel!

  145. So many great games to choose! I love the Table Topics Family. I purchased one of those "would you rather" calendars last year, and they still pull them out sometimes. I think this could be a great "fun dinner" thing!

  146. I would be so grateful for my very own Blokus game! I love all your game suggestions. I'm going to have to start a wish list...

  147. Dixit looks great! I loved your pre-Christmas game list and purchsed 4 of the games for our family which have all been hits! Completely coincidentally my kids got Carcasonne from one of my sisters as well, and that one turned out to be my favorite, althogth the kids don't complain at all when I ask them to indulge me and play it! Thanks for the great ideas.

  148. I think I'd like Apples to Apples, so... if I should happen to win, Apples to Apples, I guess. Hope you're enjoying a lovely Spring day!

  149. Apples to Apples is still the game my family wants most. I was steering towards Dixit, for the name alone, but I cannot waver from Apples to Apples.

  150. Zooloretto! So happy you're still blogging, Catherine :)

  151. Beth K4:19 PM

    I don't know how we will fit it in the game trunk, but I am hoping for Dixit.

  152. My family is SOOO into board games. I Love It!!! With four kids, it makes for endless fun for everyone! We would love to have Dixit. :o)

  153. I have been following you since your days at My oldest is just 3 days older than Birdy! We are fortunate enough to live within 2 blocks of a really wonderful locally owned toy store, and within a mile or two of another really wonderful toy store. These are not your Toys R Us type stores. However, even those stores don't carry those "European style" games you've mentioned in past posts. I'm intrigued by Carcassonne (any of the varieties) that that would be oh-so wonderful to play with my 8 and 6 year old boys! Many thanks!

  154. Nancy8:31 PM

    Well, since I'm doubting it will be possible to find Deuda Eterna, I'd love to get Dixit!

  155. Oh, I would love to win Ticket to Ride. My ten-year-old daughter got Carcassone Hunters & Gatherers (after your games recommendations) for Christmas and we have played it so many times. I might even like it more than she does. And can I just say how good the Tortilla Soup looks?

  156. Dixit sounds just lovely.

    So glad you're posting often!

  157. I think Dixit sounds fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. Wow - we all just played Dixit for the first time at our friends' house on Sat. night, and we had a blast! The kids ranged from age 6 to 10, and each kid paired up with an adult. We ended up with five teams. It was fascinating - we started out not really understanding what we were supposed to be doing and then suddenly it all made sense and was a ton of fun! And "pleasantly creepy" is right! Our family would love to play this more.

  160. Well, Dixit it is! Thanks for letting us play.

  161. Hmmm... Dutch Blitz? I've wanted to order it but then always forget. Sounds like a great game and the amazon reviews are good as well.

  162. Erin K.3:17 PM

    Dixit looks great! I would love it.

  163. I would love to win Rumis.

    Other people are mentioning great games here. My 4 and 7 yos love Blokus. We love Bananagrams too. And my 7 yo loves Munchkin too. It is a geeky D&D based game that pokes fun at D&D. I'm also in love with Dutch Blitz.

  164. nancy4:01 PM

    thanks for the second chance to win!
    We'd love to try Carcassonne.

  165. Far be it from me to trump your choice. Dixit sounds great. And maybe if I didn't have to play *#$%$@^ Candyland I would be less grudging and a bit more enthusiastic about game time with the kids. Ahem.

  166. Oh! I also meant to say, if you're ever looking for blogging topics, I would like to hear more about your theory of "hurting one's own feelings." I've heard you mention it, and without knowing exactly, I think it's something at which I've achieved semi-pro status.

  167. Jenny Royer3:14 PM

    Me! Me! Pick me! (hand raised up high)

  168. Dixit sounds like a super game, since you mentioned Balderdash and Apples to Apples (two of our faves!) in the description :) We're a family of word-nerds LOL

  169. I love your game recommendations. Dixit sounds really fun!

  170. Sara DM11:46 AM

    I'd love Dixit! Maybe my husband and I can host a game night now that our twins are almost a year! We've survived...does that deserve a prize?!? Actually, they are wonderful...

  171. Shelli11:34 AM

    Carcassonne or Dixit would be great! My son received several games for Christmas (a couple of your recommendations) and he loves playing them. We instituted a family game night that we all look forward to. Thanks, Catherine!
