Thursday, April 15, 2010

More cookies, more books

The flowering of our dogwood plunges me into existential angst: Really? It's been a whole year? I despair over time's fleetingness, everybody's sandals pulled out and outgrown, everybody's front teeth like enormous Chicklets, the violets nodding purplely away: "Yes, yes, the years are flying by." Oh, spring! I love it so much despite my bittersweetness about everything.

Meanwhile, over here, at, I have a recipe for chocolate chip cookies made with all whole wheat flour, and they are simply the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever made. Also, there has been some commentary prompted by the word "log." Our own BillyJoe is back in action! Phew.

The cookies are from this beautiful book, and, speaking of revenue-generating links on amazon: it's time for another book give-away! That's right. You know the rules. Post over at, if you're able (aren't I strict? but please. . . ) and then come back here and leave the name of the one book you most want in the comments (comment only once, please). I am going to pick three winners at random and send them the books they picked. I'll post the winners next Friday (April 23rd). If there's still money left after that, we'll do it again. I suppose you oughtn't enter if you've already won.

But here's another little gift: learning to love you more. Given that this website has already started, turned into a book, and concluded, it seems that I am late to the party, the guy already out in the driveway with his push broom sweeping away the cocktail napkins and magnolia petals, but no matter. It is a strange and moving and inspiringly beautiful website. I am slightly addicted.

Have a wonderful weekend, dear ones. xo


  1. I've already commented on the super-delicious-looking chocolate chip cookies (as picsmamma).

    I'm still going for Amanda Blake Soule's _The Creative Family._

    Now, I'm off to check out the website you mention and vote for you on Babble (as suggested by Rachel at 6512 and growing).

  2. Okay, I want that baking with whole-grains book. And I'll try to comment more at did today!

  3. I'm itching for In the Green Kitchen by Alice Waters. (And I just bought myself the book I mentioned last time you did this, Folk Shawls!). Thanks for the fun!

  4. I dont own your book! I would like it please! :) I would also like to own a copy of the Harry Potter book (any of them) in greek. :)

  5. I think I want a Robert Sabuda pop-up book (surprise me on the actual title - they are all fantastic!). This would be the founding book of my very own pop-up book collection. I'd take them down from the top shelf on special occasions and share them very gently with the children and it would be a sort of event. The kids have popups and they get loved and then ruined. I want my own. There are so many good books that are in pop-up form now, like The Wizard of Oz, The Little Prince, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan... then the more arty ones like 600 Black Spots, Blue 2,and One Red Dot.

    (and yes, the stars aligned. I commented on the cookies! I swear I've tried AT LEAST 10 times to set this up before... crazy.)

  6. Anne Lamott, Operating Instructions. I read it because you referenced it, and I loved it. I'd love a copy! Commented on!

  7. I can't seem to get through the registration process on the site. This time I tried about 20 user names that were all taken before I gave up. But I love your writing, and I love your recipes! I'm looking forward to trying the chocolate chip cookies with my kids this weekend.

    As for a book - I'd love Caryn Rivadeneira's _Mama's Got a Fake ID_

  8. Spedrson9:38 PM

    I just left a comment over there under "spedrson". I honestly couldn't think of a book in particular that I want, but my husband is a book geek so I asked him if there was one he wants and he gave me this title - "Christians And Christianity in the Holy Land: From the Origins to the Latin Kingdoms" Author/Editor Ora Limor.

  9. yum yum..more books more knowledge!

  10. DCGirl10:58 PM

    I registered as CherryBGirl over at And now I'm back here where I feel so much more at home. I still would love "Alabama Studio Style" because it costs $35 and that is just too much for book I'll probably just drool over and never actually use...still, a girl can dream!

  11. Christina10:59 PM

    I'd like Food For Thoughtful Parenting since our library doesn't own a copy!
    I'm a newcomer to, but I really like both your writing and your recipes! I comment there as la_larga

  12. I'm jazzed about giving those cookies a try, will totally make a log too. log.
    Still craving Healthy Breads in 5.

  13. Fortune’s magic Farm by Suzanne Selfors.

    cookies look yummy! can't wait to try them!! :) thank you!!!!

  14. Can't wait to try the cookies!

    One book I've been wanting (I saw it in Z Gallerie of all places!) is "4000 Questions for Getting to Know Anyone and Everyone" by Barbara Ann Kipfer.

  15. I have a favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe that is nearly memorized and never deviated from ...but since you spoke so highly, and since most recipes of yours that I have tried have quickly become family standards...and there's the whole whole wheat thing...I'm going to have to try them!!

  16. Susan in Japan6:10 AM

    Good to the Grain! Sounds wonderful, and I'd love to own it :)

    Posted as sejonesjp on Disney Family.

    THANK YOU for your inspiring work!

  17. Log.

    A book. A book. Trying to pick a book....

    I'll go with "A Year of Magical Thinking" by Joan Didion.

    LOVE your recipes!


  18. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I still want Pioneer Woman's cookbook. I suppose I could also just buy it myself if I don't win...

  19. I just left a comment over at for a book, surprise me! Any of the cooking/baking books you recommend would be great.

  20. I'm also a fan of Amanda Blake Soule- would also love the creative family! I over extended my borrowing status at the library for it- so I guess I should just try and get one of my own! Thanks for the opportunity- and the great cookie recipe! Can't wait to try it!
    And by the way- I enjoyed browsing the family. com website- good stuff!

  21. miryboo11:00 AM

    Thanks for the giveaway. I'd like All the World by Elizabeth Scanlon.

  22. I left a message on about your delicious-sounding chocolate chip cookies.

    Re book: How about the new Anna Quindlen book, Every Last One. Thanks for all your interesting recipes!

  23. I commented at I don't know why people have so much trouble - it's always easy for me. I someday will purchase this for myself, but if you are offering... I'd like the most wonderful pop up book in the world is Robert Sabuda's Alice in Wonderland :)

  24. Stephanie2:02 PM

    Pictorial Webster's: A Visual Dictionary of Curiosities....

    By the way, I have a bit of a request, would you please, please, please write a cookbook. I love your writing style and your collection of recipes. They have fed my family many a good meal.

    I know that is a lot to ask, but I thought I would try.

  25. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I commented on but more than a book, I'd love more book recommendations posted here (by you and your readers)!

  26. Hi Catherine! Thanks for all the recipes at -- many of them are staples here, and one is labeled by my daughter as "the chicken that I love." As in, oh, are we having the chicken that I love?

    As for books, I would love a copy of "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" by David Sedaris.

    Oh, and I'm one_more_amy at

  27. I commented over at Family Fun. [For those of you wondering: no, I'm not insane (not totally, anyway), I am merely quoting the great Ren and Stimpy song, "Log".]

    On to this comment: I would love a copy of Seasonal Fruit Desserts by Deborah Madison. Can't wait to try the cookies, by the way!

  28. Comment posted regarding your scrumptious sounding cookie recipe. It's under StephanieRowe1.

    I would LOVE to get The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

    By the way, I purchased Food for Thoughtful Parenting. It's a lovely book and well worth the price.

  29. I commented over at as Corrie71.

    The book I'd like is S is for Story: A Writer's Alphabet. It is a fun read along for both adults and kids.

    Thank you for sharing your book credit with us. It's very kind of you.

  30. Just commented at - "julies7little"

    I'd love The One Year Book of Hope.

    Thanks for your writing!!! It always makes me thankful for my own, ever taller, children.

  31. Mmmmm, the cookies look wonderful . . . we just found out that we have a kiddo with milk, wheat, egg, etc etc allergies :-/ But if I find a great way to adapt it with, say, sorghum flour? I'll let you know.

    As for the book . . . once again, Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll. Goat milk starting next week, got to do something fun with it!

  32. Teafortwo8:42 PM

    I'm going to run with "Parenting Gifted Kids" by James Delisle again. Maybe it's like playing the same lottery numbers over and over. At least that's what my friend Mark did at the casino night playing Roulette. 26 Red three times in a row.

    The whole grains book sounds amazing too. I was allowed to make a comment about the chocolate chip cookies. I'm now Finnsoren in that world.

  33. I'd love the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers (Eastern Region). The kids and I found our first (and probably only!) Jack-in-the-Pulpit of the season yesterday, and we'd love to know exactly which kind of ferns we spotted uncurling their spirals. Fiddleheads? We're not sure.

    I'm off to check out this Babble thing!

  34. I've got a stack of reading books to get through, so if I won I'd love a picture book! -- The Graphic Alphabet by David Pelletier would delight me AND the kids.

    (I'm shans216 over at

  35. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Cookie comment made! Hmm, like last time, I would love to have one of the Brambly Hedge books (but those actually might be out of print), or I would love to have "Up and Down the River" by Rebecca Caudill. I was introduced to the "Happy Little Family" series here and we just love these books. We just finished the second ("Schoolhouse in the Woods") and it was great. (Coincidentally, in the book the kids play this game that goes something like "chickyma, chickyma, craney-crow." Must be some connection to your little Craney? Right?) --Cathy K.

  36. YUM! I posted on the chocolate chip cookie recipe as dentonjen and i think that it would be great to receive the book you recommended about baking with whole grains! Thanks for all the wonderful recipes and tips!
    -Jenny Davis

  37. also, this is a great blog post because i love just reading all these great book ideas! Thanks everyone for sharing! About to check my library for these titles!

  38. Log. Ha. Whoever that was that said "logjam makes me downright uncomfortable," well played!

  39. teafortwo - i had the opportunity to hear Dr. Delisle speak about 18 months ago - if you don't win the book - BUY IT! It is brilliant, both in how it has changed my understanding of my kids, but also in how I understand myself. He is an amazing educator and man... and more people need to know about him!

  40. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I constantly check your blog and was excited to see a book give away just when I was searching for a great parenting book. I'm a single momma struggling right now with my 9 yo boy and 6 yo daughter. I was hoping for the book How to talk so your kids will listen & listen so your kids will talk. We seem to be having dialog issues lately.

    I already left my comments about the cookies - yum!! -Elena

  41. I happily left a comment about the cookies at They sound really good!
    Ans as for a book I would love to have...

  42. Okay, I'm all posted over on the other site (as Atl-Mom) and I would REALLY love a copy of Anne Lamott's new book, Imperfect Birds. And I agree that you are very kind to share your Amazon credit with us!

  43. Can I just say I LOVE your writing? The way you say things just totally charms me. I appreciate your writing so much.
    Thanks a lot.

  44. Elena9:57 PM

    I would really love a copy of Pippi Longstocking with illustrations by Lauren Child. And please do post pickling cabbage instructions that worked for you. I want a fool-proof recipe to give my little German 1 students to try, as clearly nothing is more German than pickling your own Kraut

  45. Since I didn't win last time, I'll try again for Atul Gawande's "Checklist Manifesto" or "Complications." Thanks for the chocolate chip cookie recipe! I originally thought, whole wheat flour? But I think I'm going to break down and try them this weekend.

  46. re: my comment on saturated pork chops, from "themumwhoflies" did not like my shortening of the word 'racoons.'

  47. I would like to own the Healthy Bread in 5 minutes book. I have posted on your last 3 recipes (sharlyn86). We have all been getting a little lazy about that lately.
    thanks, Shari

  48. Hi Catherine -- I posted at (Amdstuff) and now I would like to thank you for being so generous with these giveaways! If I win I'd love The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer -- in hardcover please! :D

  49. LisaAnn410:17 PM

    Started cooking more lately with my daughter, who got a healthy cookbook for her birthday! The cookies are next on our list!

    It will not be released until May 4th, but I can't wait to get The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. He is absolutely one of my favorite authors of all time and this is the first time one of his Young Adult books is being translated into English. As a school librarian, I need to read it first before I pass it along to my students! ;)

  50. Ooh Ooh! I want that Good to the Grain book please!

    My comment over at Family was under profile charradm (which I could be making up, but I'm not ;)

  51. commented as shadykatimama at --- um...i'd be stoked for "animal, vegetable, miracle" by barbara kingsolver.

  52. heatherf3:22 PM

    wow... what a site (LTLYM), thanks for the link. wish it was still going! book: The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking by Marcella Hazan!

  53. KarenG11:35 PM

    I'm probably too late to the book party...but no matter, I'm reading "Golden Rules: The 10 Ethical Values Parents Need to Teach Their Children" by Wayne Dosick. Picked it up at the library, natch.. can try before you buy.
    But, it is FANTASTIC, with chaps. for the parents and then each chapter ends with "a story to read to your children" and super questions to discuss with them and "Lumies" ohhh you just have to check it out. I would LOVE to own a copy, but I am just happy if others read and gain from it as I have. (just as we do from your columns..been a fan since your Ben was 2! Thanks for letting us share in your trials and triumphs!)

  54. Haven't been on your post for a while and have enjoyed reading through back posts. The cookies look great. SmittenKitchen, another great blog, just had their oatmeal pancake recipe on her blog and they were fantastic! Now I just might have to buy the book!
