
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gift Guide Earnings Update

As of today, the gift guide has earned

Can you see that? My lame screenshot? $3851.34 

You ROCK! Please stay tuned as we figure out where to donate it. 

Yours, in love and solidarity, always. xo


  1. I was so inspired by this post that I clicked over and did some more shopping. You know, for stuff I, uhhh, totally needed. Yep. ;)

  2. We ordered every Christmas gift for our three boys through your affiliate links (with lots of recommendations from your list)! Can't wait to see the good you do!

  3. That news and the screenshot rescued my morning!

  4. dale in denver6:23 PM

    Wow! That's amazing.

    Samantha Bee just brought a new organization to my attention. The White Helmets. volunteers in Syria who rush into recently bombed buildings searching for and aiding survivors. I thought you and or your readers might find it worthy of consideration.

    more info at:

    whitehelmets dot org

    Keep up the good work!

  5. dale in denver7:08 PM

    ^hold off on that charitable consideration for The White Helmets. Upon further investigation, they may not be what they claim on their website. I'll keep digging and will come back again if they are what they say they are.....

    1. Please keep us posted, because, as far as I am aware, the White Helmets are a stellar organization, doing amazing work.


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  7. Yea!!! Thanks Catherine :)

  8. Oh, such good news. So happy about this (and the games I got for J)!

  9. That's awesome!!!

  10. Catherine, I love this site and I love your ideas, your writing, your honesty, and your humor. Just bought the paint chip calendar and the paper games. Thanks for making my, otherwise useless consumption of gifts, useful with your gift guide earnings site. I just love it!! Happy Holidays from one gaming Jew to another

  11. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I hope that in the current political climate you will donate at least some of it to ACLU, but if you want to donate to an extremely awesome cause, then have you ever donated to the Himalayan Cataract Project
    for $25 of your money a person will regain eyesight - it always boggles my mind how little $$$ it takes to make such a huge difference.
    Just floating an idea here.
    (who is currently making your brown beef stew and had to once again go on the computer and look up what temperature to set the oven to :))

  12. So exciting! And I just ordered some items. Woohoo!

  13. Hopefully my wife doesn't check the comments here :) Just ordered suggested stuff from the list for her. I agree that the SPLC is a great destination for some of the proceeds. Now more than ever their anti-hate message and activities are relevant and need to be aided as much as possible. Thanks for giving them attention
