
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This and That: The Fall Version (plus a Give-Away! or three)

Cheerful decoy.
My loves. You are registered to vote, right? If not, please go here and get it done. Because we need you! If you watched the debate last night, you were doubtless struck by Trump's reduction of everything in the world to business, to profit. Every single thing we care about: economic and racial justice, the livelihood of human beings, the earth itself. But his accusation that Hillary had prepared for the debate? In that moment he reminded me of every boy who had ever accused me in elementary school of being smart. That boy, that insecure, misogynist, bullying second-grader--is that someone's president? My god. Not mine. Please vote, and vote for Hillary, even if she's not your dreamboat candidate. She's brilliant, human, and fit for the job, and there is too much at stake to do anything else.

Did we camp in the cold? We did. Did I bring bacon to Ben in the hammock? Guess. #motheroftheyear
Anyhoo. Meanwhile. I have been making some fall favorites. Plum cake and granola and oven-roasted tomato sauce and fried eggs with sizzling vinegar and chewy oatmeal cookies with chocolate. I have a post over at Tastebook about eating sandwiches for dinner (everything I've written over there is here). And I wrote a little more about the Yay, It's Wednesday Cake! cake for Jenny, over at Dinner: A Love Story, where I was honored to be a guest. If you don't have her brilliant new book yet, it's another love story--this one about celebrations large and small, classic and imaginary--and you should get it. How to Celebrate Everything. I mean, interfaith sliders! How much do I love her? Let's do a give-away of her book! Comment here if you're interested, and I'll pick a winner on Friday.

There's a little fall camping photo essay running parallel to the blog, and it has nothing to do with anything! How odd.
Speaking of books: I have the new Ann Patchett, but haven't started it yet because then I'm worried I'll finish it and be sad. But I actually bought it. (I know!) I also read, and couldn't put down, We Love You, Charlie Freeman by the amazing Kaitlyn Greenidge. So, so good. If you want either of those books instead, just say. Let's do a bigger give-away! I'll give away one copy of each of the three books.

For long-time readers: A bonus Ava sighting!
Finally: Santa Cruz and Bay Area Folks, I am coming your way! I'm reading at Bookshop Santa Cruz on October 9th at 7:00, and I'm reading in San Francisco as a guest of the tremendous CPS Lecture Series on October 10th at 7:30. The latter is a free event, but it requires registering, which you can do here.

Have a safe and sane week, my darlings. Treat yourself gently. xo


  1. You're my favorite. That's all.

  2. Oh my god, your big kid on the beach looking like a lanky MAN.

    I am in the same boat with the new Ann Patchett: I have it, but I cannot read it because then I will have read it.

  3. I'd love to be entered in any of the (cook) book giveaways. The Ann Patchett book is on my book club list. Can't wait to read it! Have you or are you going to read Barkskins by Annie Proulx? I'm about a third of the way through and its really good so far.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Yay, it's Ava! (I think the Yay, it's Wednesday cake could easily be a Yay, it's Ava cake.)
    I'd love any of those books (but especially the Ann Patchett). Don't worry, I'll be voting. For all the reasons you said. --Cathy K

  5. We've made the Wednesday cake so many times since you posted it--even for a birthday!

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    How you feel about Ann Patchett's books are how I feel about your posts - don't want to read because I know they will end. Bittersweet love. Pam R.

  7. I couldn't imagine not voting. Interested in any of the books. Thanks!

  8. Kristen11:25 AM

    I'd love a chance at all three of those books! Also bacon delivered to me in a hammock.

  9. I would love the new Ann Patchett, it is defnitely on my to-read list. And I have to tell you that I made 2 big jars of the escabeche you posted about earlier in the summer and I can't imagine my life without it now- so good!! Thank you!

  10. Yay, I'm voting! And Yay, book give away! And Boo, why aren't you coming to Atlanta for a reading? Show the south some love, for crying out loud. We need all the help we can get :)

  11. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I'd love Jenny's book! And am a committed voter! And cake eater and maker!

  12. I am voting. I always do. My dad, who did not believe in parents pulling kids out of school for much of anything, took out of school early on my 18th birthday so he could take me to register to vote. Then we got ice cream. Which is such a celebration of the child/adultness of turning 18. Which is the best segue I could come up with for saying I'd love the Celebrations book.

  13. So pumped about the new Ann Patchett and the new DALS book. I preordered for my pregnant bestie but did not buy myself a copy yet.

  14. I'd love the celebrations cookbook!!

    And YES YES YES on voting! And if at all possible volunteer to get out the vote! Super excited about our first woman President!

  15. Yes to all! And thank you.

  16. Voting! Reading! Camping! Cooking!

  17. Just saw Ann Patchett at Powell's in Portland, Oregon. She is an amazing dynamic speaker, and now I want to write, write, write and read, read, read! Hope to see you at Powell's sometime.

  18. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Would love to win any of those books!

  19. I'd love to win We Love You, Charlie Freeman. My library has the other two books you mentioned, but not that one!

  20. I have SAD so I hate fall and darkness and cold. I am doing Whole30 starting October 1st so no Wednesday cake! Unless I do it tomorrow which is actually Wednesday...

  21. Would love the How to Celebrate Everything book. I'm expecting my first kiddo in a few months and am trying to think about the traditions we will make with them. I think Wednesday cake is a great place to start once they are on solid food!

  22. Eleanor2:34 PM

    I started reading Dinner: A Love Story at your recommendation, and I thank you for it! I'd love to have her new book; I am always looking for good family recipes, both for food and for living.

  23. Voting for Hillary, yes! I would love Jenny's book. I bought your book but haven't read it yet, because then it will be read. I'm saving it for my trip to Washington state where I will be staying in a yurt at a remote winery for a Wellesley friend's wedding. So, there's that.

  24. Your first paragraph on the election is so aptly put. Registering people to vote in CO and trying not to despair too much that that man is in contention for the presidency. Also super excited to read the new DALS book and enjoyed seeing your Wednesday cake post on her blog.

  25. Very excited about Celebrate Everything.

    I just read Catastrophic Happiness this weekend. I've been weepy that my twins are about to turn two - saying goodbye to their babyhood feels so hard. But your book made me excited about the kid years ahead of us.

  26. Yay, books! I pre-ordered yours and read it in 2 days, in case I forgot to tell you that already. <3

  27. love this post and your strong statements

    the NY times opinion page piece on why Trump should not be president is a great read. the last two sentences nail it for me

    "Our presidents are role models for generations of our children. Is this the example we want for them?"

    thanks for a giveaway of great new books

  28. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Oh Catherine, thanks! I'm in Europe and we are watching in horror - business? Run America as a business?? Make other countries PAY for mutual defence treaties??? Not disclose any information about the financial state of one's own business (tax returns)? In fact hardly string two coherent sentences together? Aieaieaieee (that's a wail), please don't let this man near power! The world needs votes for Hillary, she may not be perfect, but she'd be a good president.

    Those three lovely teenagers look so grown up!


  29. Aiyiyi...Trump. He looked like a teenage bully to me, trying to instigate a fight, not debate. And NO on business being our model!
    I am going to buy Jenny's book, because I love & support her work. I'd love Ann Patchett's new book! I read a sample on my device and it was amazing I didn't click "Buy Now" after reading the sample. I will wait to see if I win your Yay It's a Book Giveaway! :)

  30. Lizzie4:14 PM

    I put the new Ann Patchett book on hold at the library but I'm like number 300 in line, so it'll be a while. Curious to know what you think in the meantime! And if I were to win the book, the person after me in the hold line would be one spot closer. ;)

  31. Absolutely registered to vote! Thanks for reminding people. It is important. Also, all three of those books are on my list of books I want to read, so I'd be happy, happy to win any of them in your give away.

  32. I'm so happy to discover that others feel about reading certain books the way I do. I can't bring myself to even buy Ann Patchett's new book...yet. I'd love to win it.
    I'm a committed DALS reader and several of Jenny's recipes are family favourites now. As my kids get older the idea of everyday family celebrations seems so wonderful. In fact, I think this week will start the Wednesday cake (but instead I'll do it on Thursday because Wednesday this week is just too busy.)
    Trump. I've nothing to add on that score. My Canadian family--including two teens--listened (yes, radio; we have no cable so get no American TV stations) and were just horrified. He's just awful. I'd vote for Hillary in a heartbeat if I could. I can't even discuss the "moderating." (As an aside, we tried streaming the debate online but so many Canadians were watching it was impossible.)

  33. Me, me, me! I would like all the books, please, but most especially How to Celebrate Everything because half my belongings are in storage because we are trying to sell our house, and my sister gave me a ginormous Martha Stewart craft encyclopedia for my birthday and it stressed me out because NO GLITTER ON THE NEW CARPETS, so I am v. excited about the prospect of creating wonderful meals to celebrate, say, the third house showing this week. Or my angry student having a good day. Thank you for offering!

  34. I have Bel Canto sitting on my bedside table, and I KNOW it's going to be the best book ever and I'll be bereft when it's it's just sitting there, gathering dust, while I waste my time re-reading shitty teen novels from my youth. Would love any of those books -- I'm making Jenny's spicy shrimp with lime tonight, and loved her first cookbook. Another Canadian reader here imploring eligible voters to please, please register and vote. For Hillary. Because Trump is obviously pranking us, right? It is hard to fathom that anyone that misogynistic, corrupt, and, yes, FLAMINGLY RACIST, could have actually succeeded to the point of being the actual candidate for actual President of the United States. I know how many "actually"s I used there, and I'm not even going to take one of them back.

  35. I would LOOOOOOVE Jenny's book!!! I've been a longtime reader of hers (since she was giving away free "Make Dinner, Not War" bumper stickers - I proudly displayed mine until my 10 year old Subaru was rear-ended and I lost both the bumper and my sticker - boo!) and already have the two other books. I was so tickled when you and Jenny "met" since I faithfully read each of your blogs; it felt like two old friends had finally met each other. Happy almost-October!

  36. "But his accusation that Hillary had prepared for the debate? In that moment he reminded me of every boy who had ever accused me in elementary school of being smart."
    God, yes!! I'll be voting, don't you worry.

  37. Voting #imwithher (of course!!)
    Would love the new DALS cookbook or Commonwealth (not out yet at my library in the Kindle version!) And thanks for the reminder to celebrate more...childhood is slip slipping away....

  38. I'd love to win the books! And yes to all of the election comments at the start of the post.

  39. Holly Johnson5:08 PM

    Off topic, but thanks for your books. I read both while pregnant for the first time. You walked me through morning sickness, and you gave me the courage to talk about my miscarriage. So, thank you.

    1. Holly, I'm so sorry for your loss. Love to you.

  40. If really like some bacon delivered. A new book would also be awesome. Thanks for the Hillary plug.

  41. Anonymous5:20 PM

    All three books sound awesome!
    I am registered and will vote. It's important.
    My Matthew is the same age as your Ben. He and his friends go hammocking, in the park, nearly every weekend! A nice way to "hang out" together.

  42. I would love any of the books! I love your description of Trump's mocking of Hillary for preparing for the debate. And I loved her response!

  43. Anonymous6:29 PM

    All three books sound great! Thank you for the offer.

  44. Looking forward to reading the celebrate everything book! Must bake a yay! Its Wednesday cake cake.

  45. Yes, please! All the books look like a big YES. Similar feelings on Anne Patchett...then it will be read. Thanks for the give-away - yay!

  46. DALS post was wonderful. Would love that book. How did I miss your Yay it's Wednesday Cake the first time around??

  47. My life needs a nudge to celebrate eveyrthing -- soup season! Hillary! I mopped the floor! Thanks for the post and recommendations.

  48. Thank you for the reminder of how important this election is! I would be thrilled to win a book-- I loved "The Story of a Happy Marriage" and Jenny R is my hero.

  49. Whoo hooo on your election comments and on those awesome book suggestions!

  50. Oh I love Ann Patchett and I would be just like you - afraid to start it because I wouldn't want it to be over.

  51. Books! I love books, especially Ann Patchett and new authors I have yet to discover.

  52. OMG, dying to read that new Ann Patchett!

  53. I myself am voting early and often. Always look forward to you and your writings, wish I lived on the East coast so I could stop in and see ya sometime....

  54. I think you are preaching to the choir here about voting. I was sad this morning about the people I know on Facebook who are Trump supporters. One even wrote an article about how the media stacked the debate against Trump (??). Sigh.

  55. awesome! i love these books

  56. Would love any one of the books!! I have followed you (that sounds unnecessarily creepy) since our kids were so little...and even before Birdy! What are they thinking, growing up so quickly?? Oh, and I am a compulsive voter, even when I have to clench my teeth and do it!

  57. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I've been meaning to get Jenny's! But I'll always take ANY book I can get:).

  58. I want ALL the books! But I guess I'll esp. put my name down for How to Celebrate!

  59. Even though I am very, very rich, go ahead and enter me to win Jenny’s book (I love to win) because I don’t like to pay for things (taxes, labor, etc.). If I read it and tweet about it, she will have tremendous sales because I have many, many followers. It will be big, big. It’s going to be a beautiful thing. I will be very, very proud because I did it. I am the one who can do it.

  60. Ummm, yes, me too. All the books. Tonight I am going to hear Emily St. John Mandel speak about Station Eleven.... can't wait!

  61. Ooh, any of the books would be great.

  62. Looking forward to reading the celebrate everything book! Must bake a yay! Its Wednesday cake cake.

  63. Making our "Yah, its Thursday cake!" cake tomorrow...because Wednesday just is not logistically possible and Thursday is so close to Friday why not celebrate?!?!
    Would love the Celebrate book (or any book!) :-)

  64. Can't tell you how glad I am to have stumbled across your blog several months ago. We love your recipes - the Double-Delicious Grilled Chicken, Cheater Chicken Confit, Soy-Glazed Tofu and Chocolate Sauce are on regular rotation in our house, and I'm making the Cheesy Nacho Sauce this weekend! The game and book recs are spot on is your refreshing humor and honesty! Would love to win a copy of Jenny R's latest book. DALS is another favorite blog!

  65. Ann R Key10:06 PM

    I love Ann Patchett so hard! I love you too Catherine and have read you for so long that I feel like you're my friend even though we've never met. And probably never will.

  66. Allyson11:36 PM

    Please enter me for the book giveaway! You, Catherine, will always be my favorite food writer, but I've recently started to read DALS, starting at the very beginning and working my through the archives, and I am loving it. I would LOVE to own the new book!

  67. Allyson11:49 PM

    Oh, and I propose that your next giveaway be of a small prize of $1 million.

    As for voting, I have been registered continuously since 1987, when I turned 18. The petulant tangerine must be stopped. Can you imagine that man having his unnaturally short finger on the button? The mind boggles.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Petulant tangerine! Yes! :)

  68. New. Ann. Patchett. I'm like 67th in line for holds at the library. Fingers crossed. Thx

  69. I LOVE Dinner: A Love Story and just put her new book on my wish list - that no one ever looks at or shops from...

  70. Celebrating everything sounds pretty darn great!!

  71. The Kaitlyn Greenidge book sounds fascinating -- I'd love to read it!

  72. Agh, I'm so sad to miss you over the columbus day weekend! I love your writing - and laughed so hard while reading Catastrophic Happiness in bed that I woke up my husband. :) Please let us know when you're coming back next. Sorry to miss you this time; safe travels.

    I am up to be the lucky recipient of any of the books you mention!


  73. This such a great all-around post. I'm in love, most of all, with Wednesday cake...thank you for this!

  74. Elliesee8:56 PM

    Oh yes to books. And this made me think of you ( it's not working, but it's the New York Times story of the plum cake, their most requested recipe).

  75. I am registered to vote. And I would read the shit out of any of those books.

  76. Voting for sure. Reading Jenny's book and your sweet post on Wednesday cake. Super excited about Ann Patchett. Thank you for so much goodness.

  77. Ratty rat rats. No way I can make it to Santa Cruz on the 9th or SF on the 10th. Hopefully I'll catch you next time you breeze through the Bay Area (maybe see if you can get a gig at Kepler's in Menlo Park?) I hope you'll wave at me as you pass through my hood on your way from SFO to Santa Cruz, or Santa Cruz to SF!


  78. Won't be voting for Hilary, but hoping that your touted liberal tolerance will allow me to stay in the running for the book - would love the Ann Patchett! ;)
