
Friday, May 31, 2013

One Good Egg (give-away)

Even as I type this, on a 100-degree early Friday evening with a cold Racer 5 IPA at my side, Ben is making dinner. "Here are leftover pinto beans," I said, and handed him the potato masher. "Can you make some kind of dip for us to have with tortilla chips and veggies?" And yes, he can. He's in there mashing and seasoning, stirring and tasting. Lemon, garlic powder, olive oil. Smoked paprika. Salt.

Jeez, Ben, you couldn't make something that didn't look so much like dog poo? (Kidding! So, so, so grateful.)
And that's good, because perhaps I will never cook again? Yesterday we had beans and rice from the freezer. (If you're doing the math here, that means that, yes, Ben has been charged with making dinner for four from leftover thawed frozen leftover beans.) The night before we had pizza toast. The night before that, the kids and I had boiled artichokes with melted butter. I have no idea what Michael ate for dinner, or if he ate dinner. One day, at a party where I'm serving Cheetos and dirt again, Michael will refer to the recipe blog I used to have, and everyone will laugh.

A very small part of the problem is Suzy Becker. Because now I'm reading the illustrated neurological memoir (a genre you doubtless know well) I Had Brain Surgery, What's Your Excuse? And really: I just want to lie in bed with her funniness and kindness, her illustrations that make me (literally) LOL.

In the meantime, I have scored a delightful give-away of One Good Egg! I know! Because honestly? You will love it. I promise. You will love it. The whole entire time I'm reading her stuff, I'm like: "I like almond croissants too!" and "I feel weird saying my name at a meeting!" I just love her. (That is so lame. What is wrong with me, besides the heat and the Racer 5 and the lack of actual meals? Can I think of no higher praise than her liking of the marzipannish pastries, the social awkwardness? Apparently not. But please know this: I wake at 4 every morning, and I'm psyched to be awake, so I can read more.)

It's the usual: just leave a comment. I'll close the bidding a week hence. 6:00 EST on Friday. Then you'll have to return to see if you've won, and email me your address.

Have a lovely weekend, friends.


  1. Yay! I have started cooking with my 7 year old recently after I read your post about the kids doing their own cooking competition. (it had never before occurred to me that he could, before that.) he loves it, so thanks for the inspiration.

  2. i voted for 'breakfast for dinner' three nights in a row and haven't been vetoed yet!

  3. Oooh me! Please pick me!

    Also, that bean dip looks delicious.

  4. Erin K.7:03 PM

    I am still trying to wrap my head around 4AM!?!?! - Now THAT'S impressive.

  5. Not kidding: My son Ben just looked over my shoulder as I was reading this and asked, "Oh, is that that famous Ben who cooks?" And I said, "Yep." How rad is that?

  6. Just back from a softball game in the heat, where we ate pizza and drank wine on the side lines. I think I will ask the kids (aged 8, 7, and 3) if they can put themselves to bed...

  7. When is *your* next book coming out? I'm tired of waiting :)
    You are writing another one, yes?

  8. I love to cook. But, sometimes, I just sooooo hate to cook. You know? I can't wait until my kids can start making dinner :). Oh, by the way? Pick me!

  9. Well done, Ben. Also, I second Victor's plea. My copy of Waiting for Birdy is falling apart from having been read too many times. The only solution is for you to write something new for me to obsess over.

  10. I have no idea what you're talking about. But if it is a book recommended by you, I'll take it!

  11. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Okay, that's awesome because my husband just had brain surgery. I should get that for him!

  12. Another book added to my amazon wish list (unless I win of course!)

  13. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Can someone please make a cookbook about what to cook when it's too damn hot to cook? All of the recipes should simple, not involve the oven nor things like buttermilk that would require a trip to the store. I have a/c downstairs so nothing too hot either

    1. Here, here Anonymous!! I second you plea for a "what to cook when it's too damn hot to cook" cookbook : )

  14. I have NO a/c I mean

  15. Allyson10:17 PM

    Me, me! Also, I have to get that brain surgery book. A couple of years ago, I had a stroke, and one of my best friends had brain surgery (we're both only in our 40's) and neurological-related dark humor was very big around here. And don't feel bad about the meals thing. Tonight I'm having cheese and baguette, and maybe a vodka and lemonade with frozen strawberries, and dreaming about central a/c.

  16. That photo caused me to feel a wave of affection that made me have to remind myself that I don't actually know you guys. A mental "Quit cooing over Ben and beans" moment, if you will. But I guess that's what I've been doing for years now! Feeling like a creep. But at least a well meaning creep, if there is such a thing. Anyway, instead of awkwardly rambling, I guess I should just say that winning a book would be great! Please put me in the drawing.

  17. By book club meeting on The Snow Child was tonight - I think I first read about it here! I think we are up for The Tender Bar next month, so another memoir for us there. Love your recipes and your book suggestions! (My son just started making dinner for us once a week, it's a great time to read.)

  18. You are a good egg, Catherine Newman!

  19. Racer 5 is a damn fine beer. You could maybe even call it dinner.

  20. Catherine, I love, love reading your words so I'm sure this giveaway is a very worthy book. Thanks for the chance!

  21. I desperately need a good read. Pick me

  22. I have to confess I've never heard of her, but you aren't one to give bad recommendations, so I'll have to check her out even if I don't win.

  23. Ooh - free book! I need another book like I need another hole in my head, but this is the last one, I swear.

  24. Thanks for the chance to win! Glad you have the kids who can help with their dinners!! LOL

  25. This looks really good- dip and book. I'm in need of a four AM book I can't stop reading.

  26. I'm in! I'd love to win this book.

  27. I can't possibly win again, but I too feel funny saying my name at meetings.

  28. Would love this book! Crossing my fingers!!! :-)

  29. I love your book recommendations! Giveaways are nice too! Thanks!

  30. Ooh, I never win stuff, but I have an eternal optimism that someday I will. It could be this!!

  31. Amy S.1:57 PM

    You truly inspire me to let my kids (7 and 5) help in the kitchen more...but I must admit, there are a more than a few choice words silently directed at you as I pick out the gazillionth eggshell from the bowl. :) (would love the book!!!)

  32. I'm with you -- when warm weather comes and I'm using lots of energy outside and not wanting to heat up the kitchen, my will to cook pretty much evaporates. I can just about put together a salsa fresca, but in the summer I forget ingredients. :)

  33. I'd invite you over, but it's beans here too.

  34. I love Ben's hair, and the book sounds delightful.

  35. that sounds great- count me in:) best from very rainy berlin (far too cold for june, too), anja

  36. Yep, I am in. Your recommended media has delighted me innumerably!

  37. Hi Catherine, 3 things: Ben's hair ROCKS! (my daughter is totally jealous of his fuchsia tips!!), thank you for the book giveaway, and would LOVE it if you wrote another book. I adored "Waiting for Birdy". ~Madeleine

  38. Deanna Colon6:00 PM

    Well, I made the kale salad, and ate it all myself. In one sitting. It is now on my weekly "I'm not going to serve it to my family" menu. Also, can't stop making eggs with balsamic!!! May I nicely blame my pudge on you?

  39. Joe Ben Mama7:19 PM

    Our family, minus the 6 year old Ben, are addicted to vinegar eggs. Even the 8 year old who didn't like egg yolks before. The kale salad was not such a hit which surprised me because it has the same vinegary-ness. Regardless, we love your recipes, and your lack of recipes. It is 100 degrees in Sacramento and I feel the next 4 months will consist of smoothies, salads, and maybe goat cheese on bread.

  40. I like books, too! This one has been on my to read list. Send it my way!

  41. lisdarl9:50 PM

    I think I am a good egg, so yes.

  42. I would love to win this marvelous egg book. it tells you how to cook the eggs, no? we saved a baby bird today, so yay!

  43. Hello there! Im and your blog got my attention. Your blog is really great with amazing blog post and I can't wait to read your new post. Thanks and have a great day!!

  44. Hi Catherine. I am a long-time reader (since your babycenter days!) Love your blog and your recipes, but mostly your perverse humor. xox

  45. Anonymous10:11 AM

    summer = less cooking mojo in general, I think. You know what might help? A new book! :)

  46. Laura O10:29 AM

    Please pick me! I need summer reading! Thank you!

  47. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Pick me! I would love to read One Good Egg. As a fellow traveler on the Clomid/inseminations-on-my-lunch-hour/IVF/giving-yourself-shots-in-poorly-lit-bar-bathrooms-hoping-that-the-shoddy-door-latch-on-the-stall-doesn't-spring-before-you-finish-up road, I love to read/hear other people's stories!

    I have recently started reading your blog, and I wish you lived around the corner.

  48. Anonymous3:19 PM

    It is too darned hot to think of a clever comment. I am a long-time faithful reader, a mom of 2 kids the same age as B&B, and a fellow resident of the "happy valley." I really could use a good book! Keep cool!

  49. I'd love to read one good egg. Love your blog!

  50. Oooh - I've already added One Good Egg to my Better World Books wishlist, but as my current book-buying allowance is approximately zero (damn groceries), I probably won't get to read it until I find it at a thrift shop for 50 cents sometime six years from now. So, yeah, I'm in!

  51. You might be crazy. Dirt is ok, and does not need a side dish of Cheetos. I never win anything, so I can be as glib as I want to be here. And someday, oh yes, I will win something.

  52. Anonymous10:31 PM

    but Catherine, I want to win a game. and I know about your crazy piñatas. there.

  53. I know I have (canned) pinto beans at home...have been mulling all morning over what to turn them into in the ten minutes during which we have to cook and eat between work and baseball. Dip sounds like a good option (trick the kids into thinking they're eating a snack!!). Both books look fab! Can't wait to read them.

  54. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The book sounds like a good read. I think I'd be able to commiserate with her on how hard it can be to get pregnant-my little one came after 5+ years of trying and giving up on the fertility docs!

  55. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Long time reader, Ben and my son are the same age.

  56. Long time reader. Can't wait for my 8 year old to take over the cooking. Really just the lunches would be great!

  57. I have been determined that my kids would be able to cook when they leave home (I couldn't) and we're getting there. And I love discovering your byline in random mag articles here and there!

  58. Jonesy1212:40 PM

    I can make my oldest cook dinner?? Fabulous!! Just re-found you Catherine and am now in the process of catching up on your blog. Trying to read in chronological order so I am reading a couple months each day. lol I'm going to try the donut cake this week. :) Thanks for the tips on how to get things to room temp quickly. Happy June!

  59. This book sounds compelling! I want one too!

  60. There are times when inspiration evaporates. Toast for everyone and some sort of protein...? Then other times when I plot and scheme and run extra errands so I can make recipe after recipe. Here's a spinach tart I made during one of those scheme-y times that turned out *way* better than I expected:
    I fear pie crust but this was very easy and tasty.

    1. yay! been craving spinach tart. will try this crust

  61. I'd love to have a copy!! Who makes Racer 5?

  62. Oh, I am with you. The combo of heat and sun and end-of-school activities merging with start-of-summer activities leaves no gumption left for anything besides a good book and a cold brew. I kind of love this time, so long as no one whines, "That's not dinner!".

  63. Ok, well, Chicago is not having crazy heat but I am pregnant and tired, so we are on a what's-in-the-fridge/maybe-daddy-will-cook-when-he-finally-gets-home-from-work kick. But! I did make crack broccoli and pasta for dinner tonight. My two year old is obsessed with it and calls himself "Broc Man!" It is a favorite around here. I would really love to win that book - it's on my wish list.

  64. Don't count this because I already commented, but I wanted to thank you (sincerely!) for the influence you have had on our lives - the way we eat, the games we play, the books we read, and now my 9yo wants to dye the ends of his hair pink. Too bad his hair is about 0.5 inches long, but he is growing it out starting today. Thank you for including us in your life.

  65. Anna D.2:59 AM

    Love your blog! It makes my day. Can't wait to read One Good Egg!

  66. You make me literally LOL. Count me in!

  67. Natalie8:27 AM

    I'd love to win this book, but I'd really love it if you wrote another one!

  68. You make me LOL too! And I am inspired to teach my son to cook because of your kids.

  69. Thank you for motivating me to include my kids in cooking more. Meanwhile, can I just borrow Ben for a week or two? I get so tired of figuring out 'what's for dinner'! :)

  70. I really wish I liked pinto beans. The only kind of beans I can occasionally stomach are black beans, but never by themselves. In soup, salsa, or Mexican food as an accent, sure. I have tried, really. I used to eat "green beans" until I was pregnant with my first (13 years ago!) and even now green beans still make me gag, every time.

  71. I love that your go-to food is beans. See I love you AND Phyllis Grant- but her go-to food is anchovies. Sigh. I'm more beans than anchovy. Definitely more beans than anchovy. I was 39 when I had my last baby though- so I'd love read about someone else who was! Yay for memoirs!!!!

  72. I love your book (and other) recommendations! If I don't win it, I'll get hands on it another way!

  73. So jealous of your child chef! And of his Katy Pery hair! (What? You don't want your attorney to have pink hair?!) Thanks for the book contest! BTW, I used one of your book recommendation threads to select books for my book club. Thanks!!)

  74. shari6:17 PM

    LOL, you never cease to make my day better when I get here and have something new to read. Would love the book. :)

  75. Here's hoping...

  76. hi, I appreciate it so much when you recommend what you are reading and loving. It's lovely!

  77. WV Mama9:57 PM

    I need to win something because my darling oldest son tonight morphed into Evil Neanderthal Pre-teen and screamed "I don't care if I don't get allowance EVER AGAIN IN MY WHOLE LIFE and you can just feel guilty about it. I wish you were dead"

    Not my most fun of lifetime moment.

    Thanks, Catherine, for reminding me that there are things worth smiling about.

    1. Anonymous11:55 PM

      Sounds like life in our house for the past few months, with our 13 year old. I feel your pain, WV Mama. If I win, I will share the book with you.

    2. I feel your pain too. My son is slowly coming back to his old loving self. But we still struggle, especially with school, which he used to love and excel in. Can't even tell you how happy I am yesterday was the last day, although he's still working on some poems his teacher is letting him turn in late.

  78. I am vaguely aware that you still write a blog and often it is about food and/or family. Huge fan since Birdy was born, proud owner of your book, chop chop subscriber, blah blah blah. However, I now read primarily so I know which beer to purchase next at my local BevMo! You haven't steered me wrong yet.

  79. I dream of a day where I sit with an IPA while my son makes dinner with leftover leftovers!!! Sounds dreamy to me, and Catherine, this is not laziness!...I believe this is what they call good karma, my sister!! You been cookin' for those babes for ages:D

  80. Thank you for the chance to win!

  81. Just FYI, I read all the books you recommend, even if I never win anything, which I hope I will this time.

    PS: Ben's hair! Love it!!!!

  82. Rebecca8:01 PM

    First thought I should comment here to see if I ccould win this for a dear friend, but ha! I see she found her way to your post all on her own! I would also love to read clearly feeling optimistic that despite starting back to work as a midwife this month (after 3rd maternity leave) I will be able to read a book (ha again!)

    Thanks for your words and recipes. Am enjoying kale salad and vinegar eggs of late (although spouse informs me that kale salad will start to be less well received if I continue to make it every day..

  83. Whether I win a book or not, I always love your book recommendations (and recipes, too)! Based on the comments above, it might be time for Ben's awesome hair to have its very own blog...

  84. I would love some new summer reading!

  85. First time here. Not the last. Thanks for the laugh this morning. :)

  86. Pick me! Pick me!

    p.s. your lentil stew with garlicky vinaigrette is my favorite go-to crock pot meal ever!

  87. I, too, would like that book! Or for Ben to make me dinner. Or for my kids to make me dinner; that would be good too. (We get Chop-Chop but they're 5 & 2 so, y'know, it could take a few years for full dinner prep.)

  88. Rhylin12:51 PM

    I'm just so jealous that you're all talking about how hot it is, while I sit huddled over a cup of tea with my fleece on. I guess I'm perpetuating the "frozen north" of Canada stereotype. In any case, I would love to read One Good Egg. Thanks, Catherine!
