
Saturday, February 16, 2013

San Francisco, 1990


  1. Ah, young love. And awesome hair. Happy Valentines Day to you and your lovely family!

  2. Original leggings! Scrunch socks! Denim jacket! Acid-washed jeans! Flashdance-style shirtage! And is that a BANDANA holding your hair back? 1990 was AWESOME.

  3. (Also, I don't know how you can claim this is from 1990 when you don't have bangs, and when the bangs you don't have aren't in the shape of a bagel.)

  4. Gosh he looks like Ben, and he is sooooooooooo in love with you look at. Hes a keeper x

    1. Jennifer LB1:22 PM

      That's exactly what I was going to say.

  5. Happy Anniversary to such a lovely couple!

  6. What a sweet picture! He looks so crazy about you. :)

  7. Seriously! I love the couch and the hair and the clothes! But mostly I love the happy love :). I am so glad i found your blog here, because I used to read your writing on Baby Center and I read Waiting for Birdy and I think you do analogies SO well. Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  8. Hubby and I had our first kiss on Valentine's Day 1990. Met during Loma Prieta ('89 quake) ... were you guys there, too?

  9. Gorgeous photo, thanks for sharing!

  10. I love everything about this photo.

  11. cute! you all rocked the end of the 80's look!

  12. Look how happy you guys are! And cute!

  13. He looks exactly like my husband when we first met...*exactly*. Long haired, Birkenstock wearing philosophy student. How do you stay happy after being together for so long? Where does that initial thrill at being with someone go, when you have children and mortgage and all the baggage? Any suggestions? Looking at this picture makes me remember that I was once besotted...

    1. Erin - I don't know where all that happiness goes either. I just hope its still there somewhere beneath all of the hockey practices and car payments. I recently read "What Alice Forgot" and it helped me to remember some of the little things that made me marry my long haired 90's romance.

    2. Oh yes. It's like you stick your relationship on the shelf hoping to dust it off in ten years, good as new. I fear that I will never kiss anyone passionately again. I feel bad just thinking that, for both my husband and I. I will read that book!

    3. libramom10085:29 PM

      Sounds cliched, but doing new things together really helps. My husband and I just took our first weekend trip together since babies (7.5 years!) and now we have all these new things to talk about that only we've experienced. Not the huge romance of the beginning, but glimmers. Make time together, build occasional babysitters into the budget.

  14. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Happy bone-iversary! :-)

  15. Allyson2:20 AM

    I met my husband on 2/15/91, the day before I turned 22, when I was trying to get over the boy I thought I was going to marry. I just turned 44 yesterday, and now I've been with my rebound guy half my life. Love is a strange and wonderful thing. Happy bone-iversary!

  16. This is just awesome. AWESOME. Happy day, lovebirds.

  17. WV Mama8:36 PM

    OMG. Michael looks EXACTLY like Ben. How wonderful are genetics!

    xo to you Catherine dear.

  18. The look of love...

  19. shari4:10 PM

    ben looks just like his father & you guys look sooo in love it's killing me! rocking the looks you both are. remember that time frame fondly.

  20. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Very random comment here but my daughter is reading a book entitled "Catherine Called Birdy.". I did a double take!

  21. Are you sure he's Ben's dad? I mean, I'm not sure how you could tell...

  22. Happy Love Day! And the farmers markets are filled with Meyer Lemons out here and all I can do is think of you when I see them.

  23. Anonymous8:34 PM

    So, there is a guy who looks EXACTLY like Michael in this picture who works at my daughter's day care. Any chance that Michael has a younger brother named Hugo who lives in Philadelphia? Seriously, I can take a picture for you - it is uncanny!
