
Friday, January 18, 2013

I SWEAR this is probably the last gross thing I'll post. For right now.

We spent our snow day doing a little claymation (thanks again, Unbored!), and this movie was the result. It's like Davey and Goliath. But crossed with Jackass.

The children have been doing stop-motion animation for months, and their independent work is wholesome and lovely: lego gift-giving scenarios, paper circles cutting themselves into snowflakes, stuffed cats rolling over. But for some reason, as soon as I got involved. . .

Stay warm! Have a lovely weekend.



  1. Thanks for the laugh. Time for us to check out Unbored.

  2. Jennifer LB12:26 PM

    oh God. those eyes at the end!

  3. Francine12:40 PM

    Funny ! Will show to our own young inhouse stopmotion animators !

  4. That is awesome!

  5. That is hilarious! Just what I needed on a Friday afternoon at work.

  6. That's awesome! I've got to move Unbored from my wishlist to my cart!

  7. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Good stuff there. =D

  8. My kids say "really good. and how did you move the snakes?"

    Very impressive! Love the surprise eyes at the end: irony!

  9. Love it! And then promptly ordered Unbored!

  10. Melanie9:15 PM

    Haha! Thanks for the laugh!

  11. Definitely getting unbored for my niece next Christmas. Can we see more videos?

  12. Kelly1:02 PM

    Love the movie and the piece in the Times. :)

  13. Thanks for the Unbored recommendation. I got it for my 11 year old niece for Christmas and it was her very favorite gift.

  14. This is SO great, I mean SO, SO great.
    Although it makes me sigh just a little bit that big kids are still just as enthusiastic about poop as my 5 year old boy. I was kinda hoping it was a phase (although my partner tells me I may as well just resign myself as it really doesn't go away... ;)

  15. Samara Jenkins9:08 AM

    How smart you guys are! and hey, there is nothing wrong with a video of Mr. Hankey coming out of a snake..LOL!

  16. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Love the spoiler alert in the comments!

  17. Cheryl11:20 PM

    I've been a fan of your writing for years - your family makes me smile and gives me perspective on my own two little ones. Sometimes when I've read your recent columns I'll go back to your earlier ones, predating when you guys jumped into our lives, and I'll read about your big 7 year old and his three year old sister and it's so fun to know the spoilers about good things coming up in the next 6 years. But I just stumbled across Birdy's preschool Mexican Bingo Card Valentines and laughed until tears came to my eyes. My 4-yr-old daughter would not only LOVE to receive one of those beauties, she'd probably adopt Birdy as her new best friend. Do you ever get nostalgic and go back to re-read some of the posts from when your kids were little? Because they're great. And it's a lot of fun.

  18. Anonymous8:35 PM

    That is freakin hysterical.
