
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

comfort and joy

Because I was procrastinating and avoiding a different holiday (in the magazine world, right now, there are easter eggs to be dyed and bunny burritos to be developed) I made a new holiday garland. My friend Emily has the tutorial here that got me started, but if you have a good sewing machine, boy is this an easy project. Many of you knew me back when I did not have a good sewing machine--back when every sewing project ended in cursing and tears and the drinking of wine from the bottle and the sewing of my hand to the snake costume and the subsequent trip to the ER and/or the Betty Ford Clinic. But now I have a good machine. Which I got because I went on Craigslist and posted a wanted ad for "An Excellent, Heavy, Old (but not antique) Sewing Machine," and then named a few brands, countries of origin, models, and years. And I was rewarded with a beautiful Bernina from the 80s that does a few things and does them well. I really recommend asking for what you want, in the most literal way.

This banner is just letters cut from brown grocery-bag paper that I'd painted gold with acrylic paint. Also some stars and circles cut from various scraps of vellum and shiny paper. It is hung in the doorway of our living room--with the added advantage that if you're inside the living room, it spells "yoj + trofmoc," because I'm meticulous like that.

Comfort and joy to you. xo


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I'm the first to comment! First time ever the first! (oh, that's cuz I'm procrastinating too! So maybe not something to be proud of or boast about?!) Comfort and joy to you too! Love the backwards! So sentimental about time flying whizzing flashing by, Catherine... I know, of all people, you can relate. Hugs. And holiday cheer! (from 2kidslife)

  2. I've been helping a friend at her artisan cheese shop and we're going to decorate for the town's shop contest ($1,000 prize, not too shabby). Our theme is recycled holiday decorations. I look at the banner with great interest. I took a bag of garbage down to the dumpster today and came back with two metal racks discarded by some other store nearby. I feel like I've won the discarded treasure lottery.

  3. tracey m8:22 AM

    Love it, Catherine!

    Love that you used brown bags and magic gold paint.

    That you can read it backwards brought back memories of trying to play our records backwards...not for any hidden messages but just because it sounded so funny to our grade-school ears.

    Hope the Easter work doesn't take any shine off of your Christmas joy. :-)

  4. and may you have yoj + trofmoc too!! Love it.

  5. Love it! I second the fact that owning a Bernina changes sewing for the better!

  6. Huh. My sewing projects often end in cursing and tears because my sewing machine is a Piece Of Shite from Kenmore. I'd not thought of the drinking the wine from a bottle part. Do you use a straw?

  7. Magpie, I so hear you. My old sewing machine used to move sudderingly across the table while I was sewing--but quickly. I would have to lean over and retrieve it every minute or so. Luckily it was nice and light.

  8. Bunny burritos just don't sound good. I'd rather have beef or chicken. HA!

  9. I loathe the sewing machine my mother loans me for lengths of time. We have a passive aggressive relationship. It's an early 1970's Electrophonic, which the (total cracker) repair guy told me was important and worth keeping (which, in hindsight, and a second repair job was utter and complete b.s.) Bernina's rock. My former-across-the-street-neighbor Holly has one.

  10. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I laugh every single post! Thank you for highlighting 2011 exactly 68 times so far~ Missy
