
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Silver Linings

I know I can be kind of a Polyanna girl. But this morning? Our car was frozen to the driveway like it was in one of those Crazy Glue commercials from the 70s with that guy's construction helmet cemented to a pylon, and so we walked to school. And in the woods, it was as if the trees had been encased in glass. I have never seen anything quite like it, everything glittering and silver like we were in a magic forest inside a fairy tale. And on the way Ben invited a game called "Light Stepper" where you tried to tread softly to keep yourself atop the crust of snow--and of course the kids could do it, because they are as weightless and agile as cats or angels, while their father and I clomped through up to our knees. An ice storm is so treacherous and just so breathtakingly beautiful.

And so it is, right? Many of you have heard of the Wondertime ending by now, and I can't tell you how much your support means to me. Thank you for your words here, and there, and your thoughts--it's such a gift. I am, like my fellow Wondertime folks, heartbroken and worried and overjoyed to have been a part of something so lovely. These are hard times for so many people, but buoyant ones too. Our Dogwood is encased in ice, and yet the spring buds are there already, glittering like glass beads, shining with promise.

God. Sorry. I am such a wreck.

Meanwhile: tamale pie! It's over at, right here, where my food column will continue live a full and rich life. Please visit.

Take care! Drive carefully! Stay warm.

xo Catherine

p.s. I forgot to mention that I have a short piece in this month's Redbook magazine. About romance. Because you know how romantic I am.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    What????? Is Wondertime over???? Say it ain't so ... the only parenting magazine that I can stomach - even my husband reads it. I'm so sorry for you guys also - but you are such a talented writer that I'm sure that other magazines will be looking for your stuff.

  2. Wondertime is ending?? I hadn't heard. Ugh. I'm so sorry - for you and for us.

    When I was in labor a year and a half ago, my mother-in-law brought two magazines to the hospital for me (I know, magazines.. it was an unusual labor experience and the magazines were actually welcome) and one of them was Wondertime. And that was a little insight into the fact that my mother-in-law knows me really well in spite of the fact that she doesn't live in the country and we only see her a few times a year. On the huge racks of magazines at Barnes and Noble, so many of them about parenting, and she brought me the one I would have chosen myself. So beautifully put together each month, such a thoughtful collection of stories to connect to and just enough in the way of advice.

    Well, I guess that's... the way it goes sometimes..

    But there are ice-covered trees glittering in the morning sun. I'm glad the walk to school was so beautiful today. And I hope that there will be other ventures, new projects and even better creative outlets (and, sure, there's always that insignificant matter of sources of income) in the future.

  3. Anonymous11:13 AM

    There's a silver lining everywhere if you're ready to look for it. Things will be fine, you have such a talent that the work will come to you. I have been reading you since I was pregnant with my Sam and he's now 5. You have been such a part of my life and how I parent. Keep up the good work.

  4. I didn't know about Wondertime! It's the only parenting magazine that I LOVE. Bummer. Too many good things ending these days. I read your piece in Redbook before I read your post. I was so thrilled to read your writing. It was wonderful.

  5. Again, I am so, so sorry.

  6. Oh, how sad to hear that there will be no more Wondertime...even the title evoked such a beautiful picture in my mind of childhood. It will be sorely missed, but I'll follow you wherever you go!

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I am so sorry to hear about Wondertime! That is the only magazine I subscribe to. I love your writing, and I know that you will find plenty of work....but, I'm sorry about all the craziness. I'm with Babsiegirl -- I'll follow you wherever you go.

  8. To add to my earlier comment, I found this (below) because it seems not many of us knew about Wondertime. Also, Catherine, please let us know where you will be writing and posting because I need to read your writing.

  9. I'm so sad to hear about Wondertime! Where else am I going to find a parenting magazine that honors both a well mixed drink, and well mixed play-doh!
    Please Catherine, keep blogging away. I've been with you since the beginning, on ParentCenter, and I've come to think of you as a friend I can check in with on parenting, and cooking, and couple-dom, and all the good stuff.
    I do love you.

  10. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I posted last week about Wondertime, and I'm so sorry, but Redbook, now? Along with O? You're in the big time!

    So I'm making the tamale pie and it's in the oven right now, and as I was cleaning up I realized there's a little can of baking powder on the counter, but I never put it in. I know most people would probably realize it, but it's not in the instructions to add it into the dry ingredients (it's only listed on the top) and for those of us who are VERY challenged in the kitchen, I wanted to let you know so they could add it in on I can cook up a storm as long as I follow a recipe - and just so you know, I LOVE the way you describe things - so vivid and helpful.


  11. Anonymous2:59 PM

    So I guess the cornbread-y topping is more dense than it should be? But oh my god, it so doesn't matter! Fabulous dinner, Catherine, and thanks for introducing me to chipotles in adobo. May even be better than the corn chowder, and that's hard to say. And in case anyone's wondering, yes I do cook dinner during naptime, because my third baby is a dervish and I can't accomplish anything after his second nap. And then I eat dinner twice. Whoopsy.


  12. I hadn't heard the news about Wondertime. 'Tis a shame. I have great confidence that you will be fine: there is always demand for fabulous writing.

  13. Wondertime is over? That's just crappy. I'm so sorry to hear that. Wondertime was a lovely magazine.
    I am glad to know that you'll still have your food columns, which are lovely.

  14. I'm one town over in Belchertown enjoying and dealing with that same beautiful ice. I've been on the lookout for your email, though unsuccessful, wanting to thank you for WAITING FOR BIRDY which is now recommend to every friend I have on conception of baby number two. My debut novel, on the trials and triumphs of motherhood is out by Bantam in July. Do you ever read galleys? As soon as my agent asked for a list, I thought of you, and, on the off chance that you have time for that kind of thing!, I'm at, also blogging at
    I read about Wondertime in the Gazette. Things are changing--but somehow, and I can think this because of Obama, it seems--slowly--towards the best.
    With thanks for all your good words.

  15. Wow, such a huge bummer! Still lamenting the demise of Child years ago, I JUST subscribed to Wondertime after heming and hawing about getting yet another magazine - but any excuse to read your writing Catherine. After reading my first issue I was already planning to either cancel or ignore the other subscriptions. I think I will still do that in my effort to simplify my life. I so look forward to reading your stuff and recipies. I too will keep following you around, but not in the stalker way! Best wishes, Catherine.

  16. Just one more sad reader of Wondertime. It's the magazine I bought for my sister in law, and now I'm cursing myself that I donated my copies to the local hospital, figuring I'd always be getting another issue in the mail. Aack! Please keep us posted here on where you go next. Or just stay in practice by giving us all your good recipes and other fun ideas!
    And, btw, I totally remember skimming on the top of the ice-covered snow when I was a child, with that amazing feeling of skating or floating above the lawn. Thanks for that lovely memory today.

  17. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I'm amazed no one has asked this question yet: does this give you more time to write a recipe/story book? Because there will be a long line of us waiting for it!

    Hugs and best wishes as new adventures await you!

  18. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Ack!-- No! I hadn't heard (and I subscribe). The economy tanks, Kiddo starts saying goodbye to naps and now this?!... (All three lumped together in a mini-parenting tragedy.)

    It must be really difficult for something you've been so beautifully involved in to end, but I'm certain you're headed for good stuff. Might I suggest an online site only, with the Wondertime feel? You could do it!-- Cut out the middleman (publisher).

    More energy for your next book now, right? I always look forward to your next writing ventures.

  19. Anonymous5:30 PM

    There is an army ready to follow you wherever you go. We got your back, sista!

  20. I was just about to get myself a subscription to Wondertime last summer because I was tired of scrounging around various waiting rooms hoping to read one of your articles. Then suddenly, Disney just started sending it to me because it was part of some promotion. I couldn't believe that I was getting something for "free" when it was actually something I would have bought. When does that ever happen? Like many others, I have been reading your posts since you started at Babycenter. I enjoy reading all the recipes, though I haven't attempted to make any yet. I did pass along the Baked Pancake recipe to my husband with a not so subtle suggestion.

  21. I am glad the column lives on.
    I am so sad about Wondertime and my husband didn't even make fun of me about it because he knows I'm not just being dramatic - I love it.

    But, in the spirit of silver linings, when the sun comes out and starts to crack the ice off the trees, grab a blanket, cuddle up with your kids on a porch swing and enjoy the music of all that glorious silvery ice cracking down into the snow. We sat in silence (with a little arguing and complaining) and listened this morning. Beautiful and electric, with God's power laced into it.

  22. Well, now I'm bummed. I'll have to call my sister in law and tell her that her subscription is apparently never going to show up on her doorstep. I just told my husband and he too is disappointed. He actually would read it, and he doesn't do much in the learning-about-parenting business.

    We mostly get variants of ice storms here in Atlanta. It is wondrous to watch, but so dangerous with all the Southern Pines just waiting to snap like matchsticks.

  23. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I am heartbroken about Wondertime, the only magazine that I read when it arrives in my mailbox (and I get a lot of magazines). I loved it so much that I subscribed five friends to it last year, but I guess my dollars and a 20 percent increase in ad revenue were not enough. And I've been reading your work since ParentCenter--yours was the first parenting blog I ever read. I still crack up every time I think about that column you wrote about the stick-on mustaches and Cruddy. You rock, all will be well, but the world of print will far less rich without Wondertime and your contributions to it.

  24. oh no!! I love Wondertime. All the other parenting magazines make me gag. And it's always like a treasure hunt for me to page through and find your articles. I guess I can get by with your food column, if you promise to post more here to tell us about your other writing pieces. And I second the motion for another book.
    (My word verification is slogg - kind of like walking through the snow, or figuring out this economic mess.) Sending you good luck and new opportunities!

  25. Will it help if we comment at Redbook about how much we love your piece?

  26. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I am so very sorry - for you and the uncertainty that you are feeling - and for all of us who opened Wondertime each month like a giddy child unwrapping a candy, skimming the table of contents for your name. You put the thoughts of so many parents beautifully and hilariously onto paper, and I will miss that monthly gratification. I'll still be popping into your recipe column every other day and looking to this space, hoping to hear about many great new things happening for you. Wishing you all good things Catherine.

  27. I am SO SORRY about Wondertime---I just heard yesterday. I am hoping this makes some other employer think, "YES! Now maybe WE have a chance at getting Catherine Newman!" I hope they're chilling champagne and baking little yummies to seduce you RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

  28. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I've been so bummed out about Wondertime -- I've loved reading your pieces in it, loved the general vibe of the magazine, and loved being a small part of it myself. In any other time I think it would have been very successful, but this economy is just totally sucky and all kinds of worthy enterprises are going under. My only hope is that someday, when the economy is in better shape, Wondertime will be reincarnated in some form, with all the pretty pictures and the humor that separated it from lesser parenting mags (due, in no small part, to you Catherine!) I hate this stupid economy, I really do.

  29. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Oh dammit. Can I say a big fat UGH!!! I just got my first Wondertime, and the only reason I subscribed is to read your writing. I've been reading since day 1 on Babycenter. And now you're leaving again. Boo hoo! I hope that you'll write more here then. I check daily, hoping to see something new. Best of luck to you and yours!

  30. So sorry. I hope I see your writing turn up somewhere else very soon. I really enjoyed Wondertime and your pieces.

  31. I just read the Redbook article. Bravo! All of the pieces were sweet, but yours was the sweetest of all!

  32. I'm so bummed! I love Wondertime! I started subscribing just so I could read your articles, but I've really enjoyed the rest of it, too. Although I must say -- your article last month on the birds and the bees had even my sister (who has no kids) laughing out loud -- I have an almost seven year old who will be needing your advice soon=).
    Does this mean you'll have time for another book? If not, I'll stick to obsessively checking your blog site for posts and other magazines for your name!

  33. Actually, a cookbook/book would be an awesome idea. I jot little notes etc. in the columns of my cookbook. Food really does tell a story. Think about it. I'd buy it.

  34. I'm in denial about the whole end-of-wondertime thing, especially since your "unhurried child" article is still posted to my kitchen desk as friendly reminder.

    spring IS just around the corner. And ice storms are both scary and beautiful, and perhaps good for making space to hunker down in that clean, crisp air and do some visioning for when the thaw comes, because it will.

    love to you!

  35. I can be consoled only by the fact that my eyesight has deteriorated so much the past few months that I could not read wondertime and am anxiously awaiting my new glasses. so I will have few old ones to read.
    otherwise I am really and truly bummed out!
    Off to find Redbook

  36. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I'm so disappointed to hear about Wondertime. It is truly a fantastic magazine, there's nothing like it out there right now! Poo to Disney for pulling the plug. I can literally read it from cover to cover and enjoy every single piece in it. What a bummer. But Catherine, I'll follow your writing anywhere, so just let us know where you'll be!

  37. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Oh Catherine! I am so sorry for the upheaval in your life. Like most of us here, I've followed you since babycenter and I will continue to stalk you for your thoughtful, kind, parenting words of wisdom. Please don't make it too difficult for us!!! Keep us posted. Thank you so much for all that you do for us.

    Oh, and -- we just got our power back after 3 1/2 days because of the ice storm, we've had to stay out of town, our basement had 2 inches of standing water because the sump pump was without power, our ceiling was covered in water bubbles and all that I could think on our ride into town this afternoon was WOW!!! ice covered trees are sooo beautiful and mystical looking. Their brightness was almost blinding. You've just got to go with the silver linings!

  38. Everyone chant: cookbook! cookbook! cookbook! I'd buy it for myself and for my friends. Maybe you could write for Mothering magazine?

  39. Anonymous9:36 PM


    What a bummer about Wondertime! That is one of my favorite magazines, especially for your wonderful writing.

    I also would love to purchase a cookbook from you or any other book you'd like to write!

    Please keep us posted on where you're writing will appear next!


  40. Anonymous10:22 AM


    I'm sorry about Wondertime. I have been reading your work for years, and your column on has been one of my favorite things about Mondays. Last night I made your tamale pie, the first one of your recipes that I've tried. It was great though my mother-in-law had used up all my onions and garlic without telling me. Nevertheless, it was still a great meal for a chilly Super Bowl Sunday even though, like you, I wasn't watching the game. Take care and promise you'll tell us where we can find you next!

  41. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I read your piece in Redbook, and did you know? I knew it was you, even before I got to the author information at the end. I hadn't heard about Wondertime - I'm sorry to hear it's going away.

  42. I'm a Wondertime subscriber too, and I hadn't heard about its demise either! This is a travesty! (And a tragedy!) I'm terribly sad. Catherine, I have read you since your Babycenter days. I discovered you there when I was newly pregnant with my now-almost-five-year-old. I have followed you devotedly ever since, and considered you a friend in parenting. Plus Wondertime was just such a lovely work! My mom friends and I are aghast.

  43. I can't believe WonderTime is ending - somehow I'd managed to not be a subscriber until literally TWO months ago. And I love the magazine...very disappointed that this happened. The magazine was appealing in a visual way, in the weight of the paper, and in the words written on it. It's really too bad.

    Keep blogging Catherine!

  44. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Oh no. I hadn't heard. Lame. It was the only kid/mom thing I ever liked. The only thing that wasn't either too Stepford wifey or Billboardy.

  45. I loved this post! Thansk so much for your recipes! I have printed them all, and have my Catherine's recipes binder. Hopefully one day you you'll get them published in a book!
    I hope you're all safe even with the ice. We just have awful "inversion" (aka smog) to deal with in Utah.

  46. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I finally caught up with this post, Catherine, and I'm sorta glad I dilly-dallied, because I got to read the thousand of amazingly heart-stirring comments about the magazine. It's great to know that people really got what we were doing at Wondertime. It's a big bummer that I had to write that last sentence in past tense. Thanks to all.

  47. Catherine:

    Even though I'm neither a mother nor a wife, I read Redbook because it comes to me for free every month thanks to a gift subscription from an elderly aunt. Anyway, I was reading that section on love and what-have-you and started your piece (not knowing it was yours) and I thought, "Who is this writer?" By the end, I was crying openly and was not at all surprised to see your name there at the bottom. Bravo!

    -Jennifer Myszkowski

  48. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Just one more person who is oh so sad about Wondertime - it was so beautifully put together and the most non-crazy parenting magazine out there (especially with your contributions). It's really too bad, I hope all your colleagues know how much we all loved it (I even got a subscription for a Christmas present)! I adore you and your writing and will read whatever and wherever you are.

  49. I can't believe Wondertime is over. I just told a good friend to get a subscription! It was truly my favorite kid-related magazine... sentimental, funny, witty, intelligent, detailed, in-the-moment parenting pieces. All this to say about a magazine! So sad it's gone.

  50. Anonymous10:23 AM

    catherine, you were one of the best parts about wondertime for me. i'm so happy to have found your blog, which will help me cope with the loss of my favorite parenting magazine.

  51. I got the notice in the mail because they had to let me know my subscription switched over to FamilyFun. BLEGH. Not the same.

    I'm so sad.
