
Friday, May 30, 2008


My latest wondertime columns are here, here, and here.

Did you think that maybe I'd drowned in my neti pot? Do you think that every May I'm going to write about my allergies and every May you're going to recommend the neti pot to me, and we're going to get old and grey that way, groundhog-daying our way to a snout full of salt water? I swear I'll be talking about my gall bladder any second now.

I will write again here soon. Meanwhile I hope you'll check out those columns, and thank you so much, as always, for your thoughtful comments and your patient indulgence.

And I'll leave you with a picture from Ben's pedicure shop. Come by any time.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I sure hope Ben sticks with piano! Drowned in your neti pot, indeed. Too funny. As a stalker (one who checks no less than daily for new posts), glad to know you are alive and kicking.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My apologies for the deleted comment! Audra and I agree that Ben's a much better manicurist than either of us, and we love the colors, too---so chic!

    It's a relief, too, to hear you haven't drowned. ;)

  4. Lovely!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you, whenever you have the time!

  5. Anonymous1:51 PM

    One can only hope (please! please!) that the toes pictured are indeed your lovely husbands'? Please?

  6. I do hope your allergies have subsided and yes what a lovely pedicure. Um, no charge I assume?

  7. Glad to hear you're alive and well. Tell Ben, "Good job" on the pedi. Can't wait to read more.

  8. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I faithfully check in with your posts at Wondertime, so I knew you were still alive. I did miss you here, though. Hope you take those toes somewhere fancy.

  9. I like Ben's bucking of tradition and painting each toe a different colour. Very non-conformist. :)

  10. My guy walked by and squicked out at that picture.
    "Those aren't YOUR toes, are they mama?" he asked.

  11. hahahaha! Still laughing about Beck's comment, because my toes look a lot worse than those in the picture! I actually "thought" about going to the salon today. But I just thought about it.
    I love your wondertime columns, and now that I finally discovered you're a regular O Magazine columnist, I borrowed my friend's past issues, so I can catch up on your writing.
    I hope you're having a blessed Spring. Is school over there yet?

  12. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I just read the Wondertime column -- sorry to be late, busy week! Ben is too hilarious, I love the frozen ears!

    So, definitely no marrying siblings but how do you feel about arranged marriages? Have I got a girl for your Ben! And a boy for your Birdy, if you play your cards right... ;)

  13. How did you manage to get a picture of my feet? Why I never!

  14. Them's some hairy toes - did you sneak into my house and photograph my toes while I was sleeping? I am usually much better about shaving them!

    I love that Birdie wants to marry Ben. So cute!

  15. Please say those are Michaels toes.

  16. Anonymous12:43 AM

    I love how children think of marriage! A few months ago my seven year old asked if boys can marry boys. I diplomatically said that they can (us living in Canada and all), but that it doesn't happen nearly as often as boys marrying girls. Recently my boys were arguing over who gets to marry the girl next door. My seven year old then proclaimed to my four year old that he could marry her brother instead! I love that Birdy wants to Ben - it won't be long before she loses that innocence and realizes the horror of her thinking!

  17. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Hey Hi, my name´s Ben Birdy, acutally that´s my artist name (use it since 8 years or somthing)

    Reason why I´m writing you is, because always when I google my name I get your search result first. It`s funny seems you named your kids ben and birdy.

    So. anyway, I wanted to connect you in order to make a feature maybe.

    I am acutally a musician, normaly I make music with german texts, so i considered to make a "Ben and Birdy" Song for your children eventually, to promote my stuff and yours at the same time.

    Of course the Text would be in english.

    Please let me know what you think about the idea.

    You can contact me on

    Have a nice day


  18. Anonymous4:22 PM


    I couldn't find any contact information on your profile, so I've resorted to a non-sequitur comment here on your toes post. I know this is an unorthodox and possibly obnoxious way of making a request, but here I go anyway:

    I'd be honored if you'd consider reviewing my memoir, The Year My Son and I Were Born, which will be released in March 09. It's about the emotional transformation I experienced during my son's early months with Down syndrome. I can be reached at kathrynsoper [at] gmail [dot] com.

    Thanks for your engaging, insightful prose.
