
Monday, October 16, 2006

Whoa Nelly!

So, um, holy frijoles! I askedeth and receivedeth. This is fantastic. Thank you. I probably have just about enough feedback at this point, and am so grateful for your thoughtful responses. Please know--even if I can't thank you all individually, or am too delinquent to, and even if I don't quote everyone directly--your thoughts will completely inform the piece I'm going to write.

Don't forget to bring this coupon for your free mojito!


  1. send me an e-mojito... lol Massachusettes is a bit far from Texas for me to come for a free drink... lol

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Aw shucks....I guess this is what I get for not checking in every day to see if you have written like a Catherine Newman Junkie ; )

    I´ll have a mojito anyway a tu salud on the other side of the Atlantico....


  3. Rita-- You need a site like Bloglines! It's like a little birdie who alights on your shoulder to say, "Tweet tweet! There's a new Catherine Newman entry!"

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Ok, just read your latest post over at wondertime and I still have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. It was the wylee coyote thing. My favourite cartoon, and gave me way too vivid a mental picture. Poor Ben. And I so know what you mean about 'catastrophising' (is that how u spell it?) - It is lessening with time isn't it, and yet when it does pop back up, isn't it still breathtakingly intense? I can't believe what motherhood has done to my brain...

  5. What only a mojito? No pickled eggs or tofu?

  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Not with regards to this blog entry, but your Dalai Mama article on taking Birdy to the dentist. I DID THAT! I gave the doctor a note, and on it I had written things I needed him to discuss with my then 4 year old. And you know what? She came home and ATE HER CARROTS! And she did not writhe in pain as if I were brushing her teeth with acid instead of children's toothpaste anymore! Oh, and she NIGHT TRAINED THAT VERY NIGHT. Who knew it would have been that easy peasy??

    BTW, good luck with that....

    ~Shawna Lee in SC

  7. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Hmm... I just noticed that I have a bottle of the Ravenswood wine you shared a picture of below. It is actually on a wine rack above the bin housing sippy cups.

    I think that's my cue to open the bottle. :)

  8. Awh! The one day I don't check the blog and I'm too late! Poop on a cracker! Anyway, I'm a single mom with a blog and a kid. If you're ever interested in checking it out, here's the address:

  9. Hey Cath, now I have a request for you if you happen to read this and have a spare moment... I remember reading in one of your O Magazine articles a delicious sounding tofu recipe. It sounded absolutely yummy and now I cannot find it for the life of me! Or does anyone else have a copy of it? I would really appreciate it!

  10. that's the nicest way of saying 'for god's sake shuddup' i've ever seen!

  11. Anonymous5:53 PM

    So glad to see your new blog! I too, procrastinate and JUST caught up with a summer full of babycenter I hadn't read. I was sad to see you were gone, but noticed your link! I'm glad to see you're still floating around in cyberspace leaving us with your bon mots! :)

  12. Yes, thanks Jessica Eve, that's the one! How dumb am I, eh, to not think of looking on the Oprah site... :S lol.
