
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Spring!

The spring is so fully here that it is starting to be gone. One evening our dogwood looked like this:

And then in the morning, after a night of rainy wind, the ground beneath it looked like this:

Meanwhile, we continue to eat springishly. Over at, I have posted one recipe for a simply excellent frittata.

And one for delectable rhubarb crumb bars.

And, speaking of, er, food and recipes: I am going to be teaching a cooking class! In Logan, Utah! At the fabulously friendly Love to Cook cookware store. Friday June 12th, and Saturday June 13th. Don't you want to come? I figure we can all stay in the same hotel and drink beer in the hot tub! If there's a hot tub and you like beer! Anyways, if you have any friends in Utah, please do let them know.

Finally, thank you for all your school-auction support and advice. It was a beast, but a fun one--and I swooned a million times over when Michael's band played. Did I tell you he was playing guitar in a band? He winked at me from the stage during "Superman," that old REM song, and my knees buckled. Sigh.


Monday, May 04, 2009

Asparagus and Salmon

New recipes are here and here.

You guys were so funny and nice about Ben's Mad Lib. I read him some of the comments and he said, "Wow, that makes me feel almost *famous*." Also, he was kind of scandalized by himself.

Meanwhile, I am running our kids' school fund-raising auction with my friend Maddie. Have you ever run a fund-raising auction? It's like planning a wedding. The kind of wedding where you also have to sell 300 items to your guests. 300 items that you first had to sleaze around town begging for. Not that I ever threw a wedding, mind you, though that is doubtless the kind I would throw. All I can say is: we have drunk many glasses of wine. So bear with me until next week, when it will all be over.

Enjoy the lilacs, the dogwoods, the violets. . . sigh.